Bible Numbers
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Moses's mom after giving birth to Moses hid him for "this many months" before she put him in an ark of bulrushes and laid it in the reeds by the river bank

What is 3 months?


When Jesus entered Simon's boat and and filled his boats with fish, He told Simon do not be afraid, From now on you will catch "This"

What is men?


On Passover, the lord spoke to Moses to take a lamb and sacrifice it and put some of the blood on "this" so that when He seas the blood He will Passover

What is "on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses"


Jesus asked  his disciples "who the crowd say that I am? "This disciple" answered The Christ of God.

Who is Peter?


Jesus healed Bartimaeus, the blind man, in this city

Where is Jericho? (Mark 10:46)


In the sermon on the mount, Jesus said if whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him "this"

What is two?


Jesus said to the crowd,"if anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself and take up "this" and follow me.

What is his cross?


Moses asked God what he should tell the children of Israel when they ask him what His (God's) name is. God  said this

What is "I AM WHO I AM"?


And "This woman" said: My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my savior. For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; for behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed"

Who is Mary?


The house of Simon Peter and Andrew is located in this city

Where is Capernaum? (Mark 1:21-29)


Jesus showed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias, he asked them to cast their nets on the right side and they caught this many fish.

What is 153?


Jesus said to his disciples " You do not know what manner of spirit you are of, For the Son of man did not come to destroy men's lives but to do "this"

What is save?


The meaning of the name "Moses"

What is "drawn out of the water"? (Exodus 2:10)


Jesus healed "this woman" who was sick with a high fever.

Who is Simon's  mother-in law?


Moses fled to this city from Pharoah

Where is Midian? (Exodus 2:15)


The children of Israel (descendant of Jacob) who came to Egypt when Joseph was in charge where "this many" before they multiplied and filled the land of Egypt.

What is 70?


On the mount of transfiguration Jesus with three disicple, a cloud came and overshadowed them and they  a voice came out of the cloud saying "this"

What is this is My beloved Son, Hear Him?


The Lord said to Moses:" See I have made you as "This" to Pheroah, and Aaron your brother shall be your prophet.

What is "God"?


Jesus raised "this man's" daughter from death to life

Who is Jairus?


The angel of God appeared to Moses in the flaming bush at this mountain

Where is Horeb? (Exodus 3:1)


I Daniel, understood by the books the number of the years specified by the word of the Lord through Jeremiah the prophet, that He would accomplish "this many years" in the desolations of Jerusalem.

What is 70?


Jesus said" Do not fear, little flock, for you Father's good pleasure to give you "this ".

What is the Kingdom?


Moses first born son is named 'this' and means 'this'

What is Jershom? What is " I became a foreigner in a foreign land"? Exodus 2:22


These 3 disciples Jesus took with him to the mount of transfiguration

Who are Peter, James, and John (Mark 9:2)?


In this city Simon Peter made his famous confession to Jesus "You are the Messiah"

Where is Caesarea Philippi? (Mark 8:29)
