St. Clement taught in this city
The first leader of the School of Alexandria
How can we emulate St. Clement and his students?
Doing good in our studies and our work so that we can glorify God
Alexandria was founded by this person
Alexander the Great
The second leader of the School of Alexandria
St. Clement
We can encounter God through our studies of subjects such as math and science. (True or False)
Alexandria was home to many famous institutions such as
The School of Alexandria, The Library of Alexandria
St. Clement often focused his apologies on this group
Philosophers / Intellectuals
The School of Alexandria often taught out of these
By working and studying, we can
Glorify God
Alexandria was the meeting place of this nonreligious group
St. Clement is from this city
The School of Alexandria taught these before theology
"Secular" subjects: Science, Math, Writing
Learning theology is important because
It brings us closer to God and understanding and defending our faith
Alexandria was very tolerant of this
Other Religions
The meaning of St. Clement's quote
Building upon your faith is important to draw closer to God
Didaskaleion in English
School / place of learning
What does it mean to glorify God through our work?
Being successful and giving the credit of your success to God, or perseverance in difficult situations
Due to Alexandria's tolerance for other beliefs, Christianity had to deal with