What is the address of St. Denis?
67 Balsam Avenue
What is Mr. D’Addario’s first name?
What time does St. Denis dismiss students at the end of the day?
3:00 pm
Does St. Denis have a hockey team?
In what year did St. Denis open its doors?
What intersection is St. Denis located at?
Balsam and Queen
What is the name of the administrative assistant?
Josie Mallia
What are the St. Denis school colours?
Green and yellow
Which club helps you mend your pants?
Sewing club
Who was the school named after?
St. Denis
Is St. Denis located on the east or west side of the street?
What grade does Mr. Gordon teach?
Grade 3/4
What is St. Denis’s motto?
A small school with a big heart.
Which club sings and dances?
Show Choir
Who was St. Denis?
The first bishop of Paris and patron saint of France, St. Denis, who was martyred for the faith on Montmatre, the mount of the martyrs.
Horizon Martial Arts
Who teaches grade 7?
Ms. Clarke and Ms. Pettitti
What time does St. Denis start in the mornings?
8:30 am
How many students are on the St. Denis Swim team?
How was St. Denis killed?
He was martyred for his faith by decapitation.
What is the last digit in the St. Denis phone number?
What is Ms. Cassidy's first name?
What four items are on the St. Denis crest?
book, cross with heart, cross heart, bird
What does W5H stand for?
who, what, when, where, why, how
What nationality was St. Denis?