Social Skills
Life Skills
Hygiene/social skills
Health/social skills
Safety/social skills
We should say this when entering the classroom in the morning to our friends and the teacher.



Good morning.


Milk should be kept here.

What is the refrigerator?


What we say if we "burp".

Excuse me!

Pardon me!


TRUE or FALSE It is okay to drink soda with every meal because it is very healthy fo you.

What is FALSE. You should limit your soda intake and instead drink water or milk.


This is why we don't run in the halls or on the stairs.

What is-Running up or down the stairs or in the halls can cause you to fall and injure yourself. OR you could injure someone else.


The school nurse.

Who is Mrs. Zushin?


True or False: When someone does not quickly respond to my question, I should keep asking and asking them until they answer.

What is False: You should wait for the person to be ready to answer. Be patient and say "excuse me" before politely asking the question again. 


If my pencil breaks in the middle of a test I would do this.

What is:

-get a new pencil out

-ask the teacher for a pencil if I don't have another one

-sharpen the pencil


Shampoo and conditioner.

What is something we use to clean out hair?


True or false- It is a good idea to take "medicine" that a friend offers you at school.

False- we should never take medicine that a friend gives us because we don't know how our body will react to it. You could be allergic to it. 


True or False - If I don't like the video game my friend suggested it is a good idea to argue and yell until I get my way.

What is False-You should politely say that you don't want to play that game and suggest that maybe they can find a game they both like OR

-Suggest they could take turns playing the games they like


Joe Biden.

Who is the president of the United States?


What to say if you don't like the food someone offers you.

What is - No thank you.


If I need someone's attention, I walk up to them and say this.

What is Excuse me or Hello


Something I can do to keep my body smelling clean when I get older.

What is- Apply body spray or deodorant in the morning before going out?

- Take a shower using soap?


True or False:  It is important to eat foods from all of the different food groups

What is True. You should be eat a balanced meal of vegetables, fruits, protein, and carbs. (breads and pastas)


True or False: I should climb up  and stand on the counter to reach an item on the top shelf in the kitchen.

What is false- this is dangerous. Ask a grownup to help you or if you are older- get a ladder.  You could fall.


Father Jeremy.

Who is the pastor or priest at St. Francis de Sales?


The definition of a "Personal Space Bubble"

What is the area/space around each person that other people should not be inside so we can give them their - "personal space".


We should answer the phone this way?

What is:

Hello, ----- residence,  may I ask who is calling?


Something we do at the sink after we go to the bathroom.

What is wash hands with soap and water.


True OR False  I should drinks water throughout the day to stay hydrated

What is true.

What to do or say when a stranger asks you to come in their car.

What is- you say "no" and run away to somewhere safe?


Mrs. Lloyd

Who is secretary in the office?


 True OR False.  You are being a good friend when you interrupt them when they are talking and talk about yourself all the time.

What is -False.  To be a good friend you should listen when they talk and ask them about themselves sometimes. 


We should do keep our money here.

What is -piggy bank,  wallet, purse, in the bank


A nice way to let your friend know he/she needs to pull up her zipper.

What is:

Quietly tell your friend that his/her zipper is down.

Text your friend the message.

Instant Message the news to your friend.


This is why we should not eat lots of sugar.

What is-Too much sugar can make us gain weight, cause cavities in our teeth and is not good for growing our brains.


 A better choice than telling someone "I hate you? when you are mad.

What is -You can say, "It hurts my feelings when you do that."

You can say, "It makes me feel angry when you do that."


St. Patrick's Day.

What is the next holiday coming up?


True or False-  When a friend tells you to keep a secret or tells you something they don't want shared with other people you can tell only 2 people the secret.

What is FALSE: This is not being a good friend.  If someone asks you to keep something to yourself you should respect their wishes.


If there is a fire in the house, we should do this.

What is :

-get out of the house

-follow the plan your family has


True or False- You should never wash your hair. 

What is False.  We should wash it with shampoo and water and maybe use conditioner, as often as our parents tell us to.


True or False?  I should stay home when I am feeling sick or have a fever or I have thrown up.

What is true.


This is who we don't answer the door for at home.

What is- Strangers? Do not answer the door for anyone who knocks or rings the bell that you don't know. Make sure that you know the person at the door before you open it. 


The Wizard of Oz.

What is the school play this year?


Name 3 things that a good friend does.

What is :

-shares stuff,  helps their friends,  cheers them up when feeling down,  cares about them,  plays fair (doesn't cheat),  does not gossip about them,  says nice words to them (positive)

We should make sure these things are turned off when we leave the house.

What are lights, toaster, curling iron, stove, TV etc.


Something we should do with our dirty clothes at the end of the day.

What is- -put them in the hamper

             - put them in the laundry

            - where your parents tell you to put them


Ways to keep teeth clean

What are - flossing, brushing twice a day, Water-Pik


True OR False. It is a good idea to bring glass containers to the pool.

What is False.  


The name of our tree in Lunch Bunch.

Who is the Friendship Tree
