St Mary's University
What is the name of this University
HOw many students attend St Mary's
How many libraries on campus?
13 options
How many dorm options?
Oyster Bake
What is the popular event that takes place once a year?
San Antonio
Where is the school's location?
2.0 & 1020-1220
What are the required GPA & sat scores?
Nature / Meadow like
What is the campus like?
Where can you find tutoring and other services at St Mary's
What is the school mascot?
What type of area is this school located?
baseball, basketball, and golf
What are the op athletics programs?
Academic advising, tutoring, financial aid, literacy, college readiness, career exploration, and post-grad exploration.
What types of services does St. Mary's University offer?
Oldest Catholic University in Texas
What is special about the age of St Mary's University
Is this school public or private?
Barcholors, Masters, Doctorate
What are the degrees offered at St mary's university?
Blum Libary
What is the name of the main library on campus
2 options
How many dining options are there at the University?
What type of university is St Mary's
What do you think my range is?
Finance, Political Science, Biology, Psychology
What are the top Majors at the university?
21 and older, Bexar County
What are the requirements for living off campus when attending the university?
What time does campus dining end?
Blue & Gold
What are the school's colors?