He baptized Jesus
Jesus' main job was
He plays the piano
Psalms 23
This is the place where Jesus was born
This disciple betrayed Jesus and turned him in
This was the sign of God's promise to never flood the Earth again
A Rainbow
She is the leader of the music team
The longest book in the bible can be found here
Psalms (119)
This many wise men came to visit Jesus when he was born
God spoke to this person through a burning bush
This was the first commandment
Thou shall have no other gods before me
He runs the sound department
Philippians 3:13-14 "I press on..."
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me in Christ Jesus.
Lazarus was dead for this many days before he resurrected
4 Days
It rained for 40 days and 40 nights while this man and his family were on Earth
This is the shortest book in the bible
This brother is the main usher for the parking lot
Bro. Marcelo
In John 11:35, you can find the shortest verse in the bible
"Jesus Wept"
7 (8 in total with Noah)
She was the only female judge in the bible
In the old testament, this is how the sins were forgiven
Animal sacrifice
This sister says "becho bacho" all the time
Sis. Vazquez
The 10 commandments can be found here
Exodus 20:2-17
God changed the languages of the men working on this tower
Tower of Babel