First city in US to have a St. Patricks Day Parade
Where is Boston?
The longest running television series
What is The Simpsons?
The loudest animal on Earth
What is the Sperm Whale?
The boxer known as the greatest of all time
Who is Muhammad Ali?
The largest desert in the world
What is Antarctica?
Where was Saint Patrick actually born?
Where is Britain ?
The day considered as "Star Wars Day"
What is May 4th? (May the fourth be with you)
A pandas main food source
What is bamboo?
WWW. in a internet browser stands for
What is world wide web?
2024 Olympics will be held in
Where is Paris?
The color for St. Patricks Day became offically green in 1798. Guess the color associated with the day before.
What is Blue?
Movie about a robot that embarks on journey to save an obese mankind
What is WALL-E?
True or False: Frogs are reptiles
False. Frogs are amphibians.
This painter reported cut off his own ear
Who is Van Gogh?
The country shaped like a boot
What (or where) is the Italy?
March 17th represents which of the following: St. Patricks birthday, the day he became a Saint or the day he died.
The day he died.
(Fun Fact: St. Patrick was never actually canonized by a pope, which is common for 10th century. But is regarded as a Saint in heaven.)
Spiderman's relative that dies
Who is Uncle Ben?
What is the heart?
The only edible natural food that never expires
What is honey?
The US largest state (land size)
What (or where) is Alaska?
Out of 46 presidents, how many of them have Irish roots
What is 23 ?
Comedy series described as "A show about nothing"
What is Sienfeld?
This mammal has a purple tongue
What is a giraffe?
Cynophobia refers to the fear of
What is dogs?
This country produces the most coffee in the world
Where (or what) is Brazil?