St. Patricks Day is on this day
What is March 17
As legend states every leprechaun has this hidden in a secret place.
What is a pot of gold?
I am a small fruit that grows on a vine.
What is a green grape?
A vegetable with eyes that tastes great mashed or fried.
What are potatoes?
This is the language spoken in Ireland
What is Irish?
This happens if you don't wear green
What is a pinch?
If captured a leprechaun must give up this.
What is his Golden Treasure?
It is a green leafy vegetable that can be used in salads.
What is lettuce?
A special type of meat eaten especially on St. Patrick's Day.
What is corned beef?
These are the colors of Ireland's flag.
What is green, white and orange?
This is the most popular symbol of St. Patrick's Day.
What is a shamrock?
Leprechauns are especialy this and often turning themselves into rabbits or squirrels to fool you into thinkig they are something they aren't.
What is tricky?
This green food is in a Sr. Seuss book
What is Green eggs and Ham?
A green vegetable that can be eaten boiled or used in coleslaw.
This is Irelands Nickname
What is The Emerald Isle?
Leperachauns are very close to this type of creature 1) Fairies 2) Dwarves 3) Unicorns 4) Dragons
What are Fairies?
This is where a pot of gold is hidden
What is at the end of the rainbow?
I am the vegetable used to make pickles.
What is a cucumber?
This is a fungus that is called a toadstool but if you look for this at a market it is called by another name.
What is a Mushroom?
This is the Capital of Ireland
What is Dublin?
The letters "St" in St. Patrick stand for this word. 1) Street 2) Saint 3) Stain 4) Santa
What is Saint?
The dance leprechauns do that is done to lively Irish music.
What is the Irish Jig?
I am an unusual fruit because my skin is hairy and olive green.
What is kiwi?
This is an Irish food that you can eat like toast.
What is Irish soda bread?
This holiday originated in Ireland
What is Halloween?