Where did green beer originate from?
What do places like Argentina, England, Norway, Turkey, New Zealand, Canada, Moscow and India have in common?
In the 17th century, green became associated with St. Patrick's Day. What color was associated with the holiday originally?
What animal did St. Patrick allegedly banish from Ireland?
What song is considered the national anthem of Northern Ireland and is one of the most popular St. Patrick"s Day songs?
Danny Boy
What do you call female leprechauns?
Nothing, because there are only male leprechauns
Where does the phrase, "Kiss me, I'm Irish," come from?
The phrase comes from the Blarney Stone legend, which is supposed to bring luck to you if you kiss it.
What St. Patrick's Day symbol is considered sacred?
The shamrock; it is a sacred plant of the Irish Druids. It was a popular and significant symbol long before Saint Patrick came to Ireland
What color did leprechauns reportedly wear before green?
According to folklore, what’s a leprechaun’s occupation?
What popular Irish sport is cross between soccer, rugby and hurling
What Irish band had a Billboard Top 10 hit with the 1968 song "The Unicorn"?
The Irish Rovers
What major Catholic holiday does St. Patrick's Day occur during?
Because corned beef and cabbage is an Irish American creation and tradition, what do people in Ireland typically eat on St. Patrick's Day?
The Irish Fry, scones, Irish soda bread, beef pot roast and more are traditional Irish meals on St. Patrick's Day
Why are rainbows associated with St. Patrick's Day?
In the Noah's Ark story, a rainbow symbolizes the covenant between God and the people on Earth that God would never flood or destroy the Earth again. Saint Patrick was a Catholic saint who taught this story about the rainbow. Thus, this Christian story merged with Irish myths that also included rainbows to associate them with St. Patrick's Day.
What caused nearly two million Irish people to leave Ireland, including a quarter of the Irish nation at the time, to come to America?
Potato Blight or Potato Famine
Three-leafed shamrocks were believed to be used by Saint Patrick to explain what?
The Holy Trinity
Before becoming a priest, Saint Patrick was abducted and brought to Northern Ireland at what age?
St. Paddy's Day is celebrated annually on March 17, which is the anniversary of what?
His Death
The most popular drink to have on St. Patrick's Day is Guinness. Roughly how many pints are served on St. Paddy's Day?
Roughly 13 Million
What did the term "green beer" refer to in the past, before the festive St. Patrick's Day beverage?
"Green beer" was a term used to describe beer that was too young or "green" to drink because it wasn't fully fermented yet. It's said that this "green beer" made people sick if ingested. The term is still used today, but the problem of "underaged beer" is a far less common one.
What other name is St. Patrick's Day known as?
The Feast of St Patrick
Saint Patrick wasn't actually Irish like many think. Where was he believed to have been born?
Scotland or Wales
While cabbage and corned beef are considered to be a traditional St. Patrick's Day dish, it's actually not an authentic Irish meal. If the Irish themselves didn't create it, who did?
Irish American Immigrants
What iconic structure turns green to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day in England?
The London Eye