Multiple Meaning Words
Social Skills

Ms. V grows beautiful plants in her garden because she has a green thumb.

An exceptional aptitude for gardening or for growing plants successfully


Since it was dark, we used a flashlight to illuminate the path as we looked for the pot of gold.

What is the meaning of the word illuminate?

To make light 


What are two meanings of the word CHARM?

1. a small ornament worn on a necklace or bracelet
2. delight greatly
3.control or achieve by or as if by magic
4.the power or quality of giving delight or admiration


Your friend has a cold and can’t come to your St. Patrick’s Day party, even though she really wanted to. What is her perspective and how can you help?

Responses may vary.

She is feeling upset, disappointed, etc.

You can save her some treats and drop them off, you can suggest spending another day together, etc.


Gina exclaimed that this was in the sky after it had rained. It was colorful and arched across the sky. What did Gina see?

A rainbow


She's agreed to help on Saturday for the St. Patrick's Day party, but I think I'd be pushing my luck if I asked her to be here the whole weekend.

To risk losing the good favor or fortune by overconfidently seeking more


The noise at the parade escalated when the bagpipers came down the road.

What is a synonym for the word escalated?

Increase, Soar, Surge 


What are two meanings of the word MARCH?

1. walk or proceed quickly and with determination
2. a month of the year


John loves St. Patrick's Day and won't stop talking about his party. Jamie is not interested in the conversation and is making it obvious that she does not want to talk anymore. What body language or facial expressions would you see that show Jamie is uninterested.

Responses may vary.

She is looking around the room, she is looking at her phone, she is not responding or is off-topic when responding to the questions or comments being said, she is rolling her eyes, she is turning her body away from him, etc.


Helen searched carefully in the field. She knew that if she took her time she might find one with four leaves and it would bring her luck. What was Helen searching for?

A four-leaf clover 


At 17, she got her lucky break when she appeared on television and became a popular musician overnight.

A piece of good luck, especially one that leads to success


The rainbow was so vivid in the sky. Everyone could see it!

What is the meaning of the word vivid?

Intensely deep or bright in color


What are two meanings of the word LIGHT?

1. the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible
2. relating to color, such as pale
3. the opposite of heavy


Katie and Sophia are trying to through a party for St. Patrick's Day; however, they can not agree on the type of food for the party. Katie wants pizza, while Sophia wants burgers. They started to yell at each other. How is Katie feeling? How is Sophia feeling? How can they solve the problem?

Responses may vary

The girls are feeling mad, upset, annoyed, angry.

They can compromise and pick a different food, they can buy both of those foods for the party, etc


Susie wore a green and orange sweatshirt to keep warm. She heard the bagpipers in the distance, as the Irish step dancers passed by her. She was so excited to see all of the wonderful talent. Where was she?

A parade

I am green with envy that my brother is visiting Ireland for a month.

To be very unhappy or jealous because someone has something that you want


I wanted to watch a comedy about St. Patrick's Day, but I only had it on the VCR, which is obsolete because everyone now uses DVDs to watch movies.

What is the meaning of the word obsolete?

No longer produced or used; out of date


What are two meanings of the word LEGEND?

1. a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated
2.the wording on a map or diagram explaining the symbols used
3.very well known


It’s time to clean up after the St. Patrick’s Day parade at school because there are party favors all of the floor and food spilling out of the garbage. The teacher looks at the class and says “Wow! It's spotless in here” and rolled her eyes. What type of literal language is she using? What does she mean?


She actually means that the room looks like a mess


Mary did not have shoes on when she got out of her car because she was chasing a leprechaun! When she was running through the neglected parking lot, she watched where she placed her feet. Why is she watching where she steps?

She does not want to hurt her feet by stepping on rocks or other sharp objects that can cut her in the parking lot.


I was so worried that Sarah's little girl was going to be causing trouble at the St. Patrick's Day Parade, but she was as good as gold.

Obedient and well-behaved


The girl invited her cronies over for a special St. Patrick's Day dinner of corned beef and cabbage.

What is a synonym for the word cronies?

Friends, buddies


What are two meanings of the word COIN?

1. a flat, typically round piece of metal with an official stamp, used as money
2. invent or devise (ex: I coined a new phrase)


Your teacher decided to bring in a guest speaker from Ireland. You have always wanted to go to Ireland and would love to learn more about it! Role play a conversation with a peer talking to the speaker. Make sure to ask 3 good questions and make relevant comments.

Responses will vary.


Dad picked this up from the front porch. He said “I’m glad we got one of these. Later I’ll sit and relax for a little while and I can read about what’s new in our new neighborhood and what events they have on March 17th.” What is he talking about?
