These two primary colors mix to make the color green
What are blue and yellow?
The Westernmost U.S. State
What is Alaska?
The name of the previous Honors student freshman dorm
What is Campion Hall?
This number is the result of 5!
What is 120?
What goes up and down but does not move?
What is a staircase?
This chocolate bar is the number one global bestseller
What is Snickers?
The _____ City from Wicked
What is Emerald, Emerald City?
What is Alaska?
What is the Information Commons?
This is the longest river in the United States
What is the Missouri River?
I have hands but cannot touch you. I have a face but cannot see you. I am a...
What is a clock?
This is the only fruit with seeds on the outside
What are strawberries?
The popular green farm equipment manufacturer
What is John Deere?
The Southernmost U.S. State
The first apartment building directly to the right of Sullivan Center
What is the Sheridan Point Condominiums?
This is the number of people originally on a train.
There are ____ number of people on a train. 19 people get off the train at the first stop. 17 people get on the train. Now there are 63 people on the train.
What is 65 people?
Put me on my side and I am everything, cut me in half and I am nothing. I am...
What is the number 8?
The primary ingredient in falafels
What are chickpeas?
St. Paddy's Day is celebrated annually on what day, which is the anniversary of what?
What is March 17th, and St. Patrick's death?
The Cahokia Mounds, (Indian Tribal Hills, remnants of a Native American city), are located in this U.S. State
What is Illinois?
Cross Streets where Flanner Hall is located
What are Sheridan Road and Winthrop Avenue?
The song and artist these lyrics are from:
I leave,
For the night,
I ain't coming back
What is TikTok by K E Dollar Sign Ha?
I am a common English verb that becomes its own past tense by rearranging the letters.
What is the word eat?
The country Caesar Salad originates from
What is Mexico?
Greenland is a constituent island of this European nation
What is Denmark?
The U.S. States that intersect at the Four Corners Monument
What are Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah?
The building and room number where the HSO puja room is located
What is Damen Student Center, Damen 238?
The name of this organelle:
What is the Golgi Apparatus/Golgi Body?
Find a number less than 100 that is increased by 1/5th of its value when its digits are reversed.
What is 45?
(1/5) of 45 = 9, 9+45 = 54
This vegetable that can grow up to 10 centimeters per day, grows in white, green, and purple colors.
What is asparagus? (greatest wegetable to exist)