A less serious offense that weakens our relationship with God - recommended to be confessed.
What is a venial sin?
The commandments 1 - 3 deal with this relationship.
What is our relationship with God?
November 1
What is All Saints Day?
Abraham taking his son Isaac up a mount carrying wood to offer his only son as a sacrifice to God.
What is the carrying of the cross and the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the only son of God as a sacrifice for our sins?
Days of Fast for all adults in the Catholic Church.
What are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday?
An offense that breaks our relationship with God and MUST be confessed in the sacrament of Reconciliation.
What is a mortal sin?
Commandments 4 through 10 deal with this relationship.
What is our relationship with others - neighbors, family, friends, strangers?
December 25
What is the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ?
The Israelites crossing the Red Sea to escape from the slavery of Egypt.
What is Baptism - where immersion in water frees us from the slavery of sin?
Days of Abstinence for all persons over age 14 in the Catholic Church.
What are Ash Wednesday and all Fridays in Lent?
Purposefully missing Mass on Sunday or a Holy Day of Obligation is this kind of sin.
What is a mortal sin?
This is the commandment that says we should go to Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.
What is the 3rd commandment or "Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day?
40 days after Easter or in some dioceses the 7th Sunday after Easter
What is the Ascension?
The sacrificial unblemished lamb that the Israelites offered to God at the first and all subsequent Passover suppers.
What is Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God offered on the cross and in every mass for forgiveness of our sins?
The Holy Day of Obligation celebrated on Jan. 1
What is the feast of Mary, Mother of God?
The priest hears your sins as the representative of Jesus Christ and does this to forgive them.
What is giving absolution?
This commandment is usually interpreted to mean don't lie or repeat, especially unverified, gossip.
What is the 8th commandment - You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor?
December 15
What is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary?
The manna or heavenly bread that God provided daily for the Israelites as they traveled through the desert for 40 years.
What is the Holy Eucharist, the body and blood of Christ, provided in every Mass to nourish our souls?
Teachings of Christ from the Sermon on the Mount?
What are the Beatitudes?
These are the three conditions that a sin must meet to become a mortal sin.
What is knowing the performing an act that is seriously wrong, knowing that the act was seriously wrong, and freely, willingly choosing to do it?
Jesus said that this was the greatest commandment.
What is "You shall love the Lord God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. . . . You shall love your neighbor as yourself"?
December 8
What is the Immaculate Conception?
The celebration of the Passover meal.
What is the celebration of the Eucharist?
One of the Precepts of the Church is providing for the needs of the Church, these are the others.
What are: attendance at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation; confession of sins at least once a year; reception of Holy Communion at least once a year during Easter time; and observation of the Days of Fast and Abstinence.