This is the place that St. Thomas Aquinas was born.
Where is Rocca Secca, near Naples, in Italy
Earn 100 points.
Thomas was the author of this hymn written for the Solemnity of Corpus Christ.
What is Pange Lingua Gloriosi?
STA responded with this when he heard this from our Lord: “You have written well of me, Thomas. What reward would you have for your labor?”
What is “Domine, Non Nisi Te!” (Nothing but You Lord)
As a teenager, Thomas joined this religious order.
Who are the Dominicans?
Although his feast day is January 28, what day did STA actually die on?
What is March 7?
In addition to the Summa Theologiae, this is one of his other famous writings that has the word "Summa"
What is the Summa contra Gentiles?
According to STA, this "cause" is the agent or thing that brings something about.
What is efficient cause?