True or False : It was illegal to be a Christian when Valentine was alive.
True or False: Valentine is a martyr
True or False? : Judge Asterius's daughter suffered from leprosy.
False. She was blind
True or False: The story of Valentine is found in the bible.
FALSE. He was born almost 200 years after Jesus.
Name one of the people that Valentine enjoyed helping most.
suffering people, Christian couples preparing for marriage, performing marriages
Where did Valentine live? (country and/or city)
ITALY: Terni, Rome
What was Valentine's "job"?
A Bishop
St Valentine is the Patron Saint of What? (name one)
love, marriage, greetings
What empire did Claudius rule?
Rome (Roman Empire)
Who ordered that Valentine be beaten?
The emperor
Judge Asterius imprisoned Valentine in his home. He said " If Jesus is God he can make my daughter __________"
see (she was blind)
Name one of the three Emblems of St Valentine
heart birds roses
Valentine was arrested because he angered Roman authorities. What did he do to make them so mad?
talking about Jesus
How did Valentine die?
After performing a miracle, what is one thing that Valentine told Judge Asterius to do?
break all the idols in his house
When is St Valentine's feast day?
Valentines Day - February 14
How many members and servants of Judge Asterius's household were baptized by Valentine?
In what year did Valentine die?
For how many days did Valentine tell Judge Asterius to fast?
Valentine wrote one final message before he died and sent it to his jailor's daughter. How did he sign that final message?
Your Valentine