What is BUT
What is To swallow
The best summary of the selection.
What is chickadees are tiny birds that can be found in extremely cold climates. To stay warm, they rely on fluffing their feathers, eating lots of food, and using the nights for sleeping. They have found many ways to protect their bodies from becoming too cold.
The actions described in the first stanza (lines 1–4) suggest that the speaker is —
What is hardworking ?
An action in the poem that is not described in the selection
What is drinking water from icicles?
What is Because
What is- The seeking of obtaining food.
The word accumulate comes from the Latin cumulus, which means “a pile.” Accumulated in paragraph 9 means _______
What is Gathered ?
The imagery in lines 9 and 10 of the poem suggests about the speaker
What is the speaker feels encouraged by the change in weather conditions ?
Both the selection and the poem reveals about the chickadee.
What is it is adapted to its environment?
What is - Complex Sentence
What is "clean" using beak to clean
The sentence that best supports the idea that chickadees take action to keep their bodies warm at night
What is since they don’t have crops in which they can store food to eat later, they must eat enough each day to survive the long, 18-hour night? (paragraph 9)
The imagery in lines 3 and 4 of the poem creates a sense of —
What is security ?
The statement from the selection is best supported by the poem.
What is "although fragile in many ways, the tiny black-capped chickadee shows how tough it really is by surviving the bitterly cold winters of northern North America? (paragraph 11)"
Write an example of a compound Sentence
Answers vary
What is - A layer to keep something warm
The author’s primary purpose in writing the selection.
What is to describe the ways chickadees have adapted to be able to stay alive in cold climates?
The rhythm and rhyme scheme used in the poem contributes to a mood of —
What is cheerful energy ?
Both the selection and the poem describes.
What are methods that chickadees use to stay warm?
Write an example of a complex sentence
Answers vary
What is - Downy
What type of genre is Of Feathers, Fat, and Freezing? Give one example to support your evidence.
What is non- fiction.
The repetition in line 6 and line 15 emphasizes --
What is the speaker’s confidence in surviving a harsh winter ?
The selection is different from the poem in that the poem describes how the chickadee —
What is to become aware that winter is finally ending ?