Main Idea
Context Clues/Vocabulary
Figurative Language
Reading Comprehension
Roy Campanella was a baseball catcher for the Brooklyn Dodgers. He was named the best player in the National League three times. His career came to a halt suddenly in 1958 when he was paralyzed in a car wreck. Fact or Inference? Roy Campanella was a catcher.
The people of ancient Egypt created an advanced civilization. More than 6,000 years ago, they developed a calendar with 365 days divided into 12 months. The people made paper and learned to write. They built huge monuments with machines they invented. The story mainly tells... A. how people made paper B. about the creation of Egyptian civilization C. where an ancient calendar was invented D. how the people built monuments
B. about the creation of Egyptian civilization
Baboons live in groups. Usually there are about 60 __1___ in the group, but there may be as many as 200 or as few as 10. Living in a tribe __2___ the baboons from their enemies. 1) a. jars, b. museums, c. individuals, d. patients 2) a. hides, b. safeguards, c. leads, d. grazes
1) C. individuals 2) A. hides
a comparison using like or as
What is a simile?
Last Saturday, I went to the school athletic field to see my friend Terry practice for his upcoming track meet. As soon as I arrived, I could see he was getting ready to jump hurdles. When the coach blew his whistle, I watched as Terry began to run, and then in open-mouthed amazement I saw him vault over two hurdles at once. Vault in this paragraph means... A. leap B. a hidden chamber
A. leap
Roy Campanella was a baseball catcher for the Brooklyn Dodgers. He was named the best player in the National League three times. His career came to a halt suddenly in 1958 when he was paralyzed in a car wreck. Fact or Inference? His injuries were very serious.
Microchips provide the power for wristwatches. They are also the brains in our computers, and they control robots. These chips are used in video games and space shuttles They make our cameras, radios, and televisions small and light. The story mainly tells A. how computers work B. why televisions are small C. how microchips are used D. how cameras are made
C. how microchips are used
Many vines have long clusters of sweet-smelling flowers. Vines will climb posts and other objects. They are often planted for their beauty and shade. In this paragraph, the word clusters means A. animals B. stems C. drinks D. bunches
D. bunches
a comparison without using like or as
What is a metaphor?
Last week, our class took a field trip to the space center outside Houston. It’s a very big place, made up of a compound that includes a laboratory, training center, and other office buildings. In the training center, we got to watch two astronauts-in-training demonstrate an anti-gravity device. That was really exciting! The word compound in this paragraph means... A. a group of buildings B. two words put together
A. a group of buildings
I walked into the room and saw two shiny silver buckets, two brown brushes, a roll of blue tape, and a sheet of clear plastic spread across the floor. Next to these items was a ladder. There was a strange smell that filled the entire room. What was going? A. A picnic B. The room had been painted C. Giftwrapping for a birthday party
B. The room had been painted
Many people in India don't eat beef, but they still find many uses for cattle. Cows provide milk for drinking and for other dairy products. Young cattle are used for plowing fields and carrying big loads. The story mainly tells... A. how cows are used in India B. Where some people do not eat beef C. which cows plow fields D. what milk is used for
A. how cows are used in India
Watching television can be __1___. After a while, you may feel bored. That's the time to come up with your own __2___. Make a new friend, start a hobby, or learn a skill. 1) a. general, b. housework, c. usual, d. relaxing 2) a. elevator, b. sunshine, c. recreation, d. recipes
1) d. relaxing 2) c. recreation
an exaggeration
What is a hyperbole?
When I clearly explained my reasons, I was able to sway his decision. sway (1) To change an opinion (2) To move side to side Which glossary definition correctly defines sway?
(1) To change an opinion
My sister came home from school early today. Mom sat the following items on the kitchen counter: a box of tissues, a carton of orange juice, and a small bottle of liquid. What was happening? A. My mom and sister went grocery shopping B. My sister was sick C. My mom was going to cook breakfast
B. My sister was sick
In France, people like to eat a mushroomlike food called truffles. Truffles are not easy to find because they grow underground. Some people in France train pigs to find the right place to dig. The pigs can smell the truffles even though they are deep in the soil. What is the main idea of this paragraph?
Pigs used to search for truffles in France.
The kind cobra is a very dangerous snake. Its bite can kill an elephant in three hours. Most animals attack only when threatened, but the king cobra will attack without being provoked. In this paragraph, the word provoked means A. rescued B. given a reason C. affected D. poisoned
B. given a reason
Sally sells sea shells down by the sea shore.
What is alliteration?
The Fox and the Goat By an unlucky chance a Fox fell into a deep well and could not get out. A Goat passed by and asked the Fox what he was doing. “Oh, have you not heard?” said the Fox. “There is going to be a drought, so I jumped down here in order to be sure to have water near me. Why don’t you join me?” The Goat thought well of this advice, and jumped into the well. But the Fox immediately jumped on her back, and by putting his foot on her long horns managed to jump up to the edge of the well. “Good-bye, friend!” said the Fox. The Fox and the Crow Crow, having stolen a bit of meat, perched in a tree and held it in her beak. Fox longed to possess the meat himself. Soon, he thought of a plan. “How handsome is the Crow,” he exclaimed. “If her voice were only equal to her beauty, she would be considered the Queen of Birds!” The Crow, anxious to prove that there was nothing wrong with her voice, set up a loud caw and dropped the meat. The Fox picked it up. “My good Crow,” he said, “your voice is right enough, but your intelligence is wanting.” What problem does Fox have in each story? How does he solve each problem?
In the first story Fox is trapped in a well, so he lies to Goat in order to get out. In the second story, Fox wants the meat that Crow has in her beak, so he tricks her into giving it to him.
Carrie heard footsteps behind her. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She began to quicken her pace, hoping that whoever was following her wouldn't notice, but at last she gave in to a run. What can you infer from this passage? A. Carrie is late. B. Carrie is cold. C. Carrie is frightened.
C. Carrie is frightened.
Jan Matzeliger came to the United States from Africa. He worked as a shoemaker. This gave him the idea for a shoe-shaping machine. He sold the idea to others. The machine greatly increased shoe production. Matzeliger died in 1889. Sadly, few people knew that he had invented the machine until later. What is the main idea of this paragraph?
Matzeliger invented the shoe-shaping machine.
Fill in the blanks. I'm sure Mrs. Soliz is the friendliest person in the whole ____1____. Whenever new families move into our apartment building, she's the first one to greet them. She always makes them feel ___2_____.
1 - (answers will vary...examples are neighborhood, world) 2 - (answers will vary...examples are welcomed, great, at home)
My dog, Noah, sang the blues to the harmonica my brother played.
What is personification?
The small rubber raft moved slowly down the narrow river. Up ahead, Henry could hear the sound of roaring water. He had never ridden the rapids before, and he could feel beads of sweat forming on his forehead. “Maybe we should turn back,” he said. “Are you crazy?” Gaby thought, but aloud she said, “This is the best part!” Corey turned around and glanced at Henry, who looked stiff with fear. “The main thing is to relax,” Corey yelled over the sound of the rushing water. “Don’t try to fight the current, just go with it.” Corey felt completely relaxed, and hoped his calmness would help Henry. Henry looked at Corey and smiled. “Don’t worry!” Corey yelled. “I’ve got your back!” From what point of view is the story told?
third-person omniscient