In Beauty and the Beast, Belle tells Gaston, "I just don't deserve you!"
verbal irony
This is the hardest question that anyone has ever had to answer.
ABBA and ABAC are examples of this element of the poetry genre.
rhyme scheme
The implied meaning of a word as it is used in a statement.
connotative meaning
When the author shows you the characters traits rather than tells, they are using...
indirect characterization.
situational irony
It is so hot I can feel hell and sweat dripping down my back.
Whenever the author uses similar vowel or consonant sounds at the beginning of a word for dramatic effect.
"Break a leg" is an example of...
Marshall was out of breath from running to school. Unfortunately, he missed the bus after waking up late for the fourth time this week.
- is an example of...
indirect characterization.
While watching the movie, I knew the killer was in the closet the entire time, but the protagonist still went upstairs instead of calling the police.
dramatic irony
Your eyes sparkle more than the stars dance beneath the nights sky.
Lines are often grouped in ____ to help accentuate the rhyme scheme or organize a poem.
The formal meaning of the phrase "No Cap" is...
Stop lying.
There was very little food leftover after Margo had dinner. She always claims to be hungry no matter what, so your mother nicknamed her greedy for always eating too much and not thinking about others.
- is an example of ...
After a terrible blind date, a woman calls her friend and says, "My favorite part was when he insulted the waiter and asked me to pay for both meals."
verbal irony
You need but lift a hand and sigh; And all men's hearts must beat for you.
The primary function of figurative language is to make a _____ between two unlike things to emphasize a point or idea.
The best interpretation of the phrase "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." is...
The child does not differ from their parent.
The child acts just like their parent.
Marlow! You are the worst! Mr. Ellington yelled. He was always yelling at us for no reason. I wish he would ask before he assumed I was up to no good. I makes me feel like he thinks the worst of me, but whenever I try to talk to him, he tells me to "get out my face and go sit down.", so now I just don't say anything in class.
- is an example of ...
indirect characterization.
My mother is always yelling at me to clean my room; meanwhile, she can never find anything because it looks like her closet blew up all over her bed.
situational irony
After playing outside, all the students came in smelling like warmed over dirt, sweat, and wet garbage.
The ____ of a poem can be difficult to interpret if you do not understand the use of figurative language or the connotative meaning of words, because you cannot accurately interpret the author's emotions about the topic.
literal meaning.
... so the next thing you know, Derrick was right behind us, again. It's like he has no life and is obsessed with me, because he always follows me around. He is so weird and awkward, even the teacher makes fun of him.
- is an example of ...
direct characterization.