The moral or lesson in the story
What is theme?
What type of mindset does Ms. Melchor except you to have the day of the test?
What is a positive mindset
What is a thesis?
What is ideas that focuses your argument or viewpoint into a single sentence that gives the reader your main idea.
What does "Differ" mean?
Example: Based on both passages, how do the authors "Differ" in their tone throughout the story.............
What is Different or difference
True or False.
There is a big word in the question on the test and another one in one of the answer choices. I should just skip it and try to answer it without looking up the meaning of the words. Ms. Melchor would definitely understand.
What is False
What does Infer mean?
What is to make an educational guess based on background knowledge and what is said in the story
How can you identify the difference between a SCR and an ECR?
What is an ECR will have bullet points and a SCR will not
What is authors purpose or intent
What is why the author wrote the story
What does "Convey" mean?
What is to say or tell
Choose the best answer that will benefit you for your test.
A. Stay up late the night before the test and skip breakfast the morning of the test.
B. Go to sleep the night before at midnight, and the morning of the test, eat a greasy taco for breakfast.
C. Go to sleep early the night before and eat a sugary donut with Dutch chocolate milk for breakfast.
D. Go to sleep early the night before and eat a well-balanced breakfast (eggs, toast, fruit, or oatmeal).
What is D
What is setting of a story?
Where or when the story takes place
What will you do if you don't know what a word means in the answer choices or question?
What is look the word up in the dictionary or online dictionary
What is tone?
What is the authors attitude towards their writing it's expressed in the word choices throughout the story
What is Key Idea?
What is the most important or central thought of a paragraph or larger section of text, which tells the reader what the text is about:
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The main idea of the excerpt was "The neighbor's dog was scary." Choose the following answer that supports that:
A. The neighbor's dog was a sweet, innocent creature who could never harm anyone.
B. The neighbor's dog would always want to play every time I walked by.
C. The enormous, snarling Rottweiler with sharp teeth often lunged at the fence whenever anyone walked by.
D. The enormous, lovely Rottweiler with non-sharp teeth often wagged its tail anytime anyone walked by.
What is C
What is the writing strategies you will be writing down on a blank sheet of paper for a SCR
What is
C-For example,
E-This shows,
What is counter-argument?
What is an argument against the original argument. To go against it.
What is "Rising Action" of a story?
*Think of the plot diagram mountain.......
What is the series of events that build tension and suspense, leading up to the climax, where the conflict reaches its peak;
What is another word for "Awry"
What is "Flawed, Wrong, or Not right"
What does Paraphrase mean?
What is when you rephrase the text in your own words without changing the overall meaning
What are the writing strategies you will be writing on blank sheet of paper for an ECR? and sentence starters
What is
T1-To start with,
C-For example,
E-This shows,
C-According to the text,
E-This explains,
S-In conclusion,
Choose the counter-argument that best fits the argument below:
"All schools should ban giving out homework."
A. It often leads to excessive stress and burnout among students.
B. Homework provides students with a valuable opportunity to practice and solidify learned concepts.
C. Homework has no proven success rate and creates burnout.
D. Homework creates stress levels.
What is B
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What is "Fictional Mystery".....
What is a genre of storytelling where a central unknown event, needs to be solved by a character, through investigation and uncovering clues, ; essentially, a made-up story where the reader is meant to try and figure out what happened.