Roots and Affixes
Author's Purpose
Main Idea and Summary

The word "logic" means using reason. What is the root and what does it mean?

Log- idea, reason, speech

Jill ran up the hill with Jack. She was carrying a pail. Jack tripped over a rock and caused Jill to tumble down the side of the hill. She broke her arm and refused to talk to Jack for three weeks. Jack decided to make her a cake one day. He wanted to apologize. Jill accepted the cake and they were best friends once again. What is the author's purpose?
What is to entertain the reader?

What is main idea?

What a passage is about.

Poets use many different techniques. Rhyme Scheme is one of them. This is the...
What is pattern of rhyme in the poem?

The word apathy has the greek root "path". Path means...

Feelings, hurt, disease

Cookies are a necessary food item in your life. First, they taste amazing, like sweet nectar that warms your tummy. Second, they come in all kinds of flavors. Even if you are a picky eater, there is surely a type of cookie that will please you. Finally, cookies make you happy. If you decide not to eat cookies, you will be miserable and cranky for the rest of your life. Eat them now! What is the author's purpose?
What is to persuade the reader?

Main idea and theme are two different things. Theme means...

The moral or lesson learned 

Why does an author choose to use sensory words in fictional stories?
What is to help the reader make a picture in their head and use their senses to connect to the story?

Induce- succeed in persuading or influencing. What is the root and what does it mean?

Duc- to lead


Brushing your teeth is very important. Some do not know the proper way to accomplish this task. First, you put a dime size amount of toothpaste on a toothbrush. Brush the top right side of your teeth, in a circular motion, all over the teeth. After 20 seconds, switch to the top left side of your teeth and repeat. Repeat four more times with the rest of your teeth. When done brushing, rinse your mouth clean with water. Make sure to clean the brush as well! You're finished! You now have beautiful, clean teeth. The author's purpose is to...

What is to inform to the reader?


Summaries should have lots of little details in them.



A reference to something well known, can be literary, political, historical



Omni means all or every. What does the word omnivore mean?

A species that eats both plants and animals

The rabbit's long ears, which can be more than 10 cm (4 in) long, are probably an adaptation for detecting predators. They have large, powerful hind legs. The two front paws have 5 toes, the extra called the dewclaw. The hind feet have 4 toes. The author's purpose is...
What is to inform the reader?

What is the main idea of these points?

  • The horns play the melodies in jazz music.

  • In jazz, the piano and bass support the music of the horn players.

  • When playing jazz, the guitar can either play the melody or support the horns.

All instruments play an important role in Jazz music.


List 3 persuasive techniques and their definitions.

What is answers will vary?

The first Transcontinental Railroad was built in 1869. The railroad spanned the entire U.S. from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Trans- means...
What is across or beyond?

Things that should be included in an ECR

Introduction, reasons, text evidence, good grammar, conclusion, transition words


What is the main idea of the points?

  • You can locate things more quickly when everything has its place.

  • Knowing your house is organized can make you feel calmer and happier.

  • Having a neat bedroom can help you sleep better.

Having things in order can make your life easier. 


Foreshadowing is when the author...
What is give you clues about what to expect in the rest of the story?