Identify the Affix and the Definition
Text Features
Context Clues
Words, Words, and more Words
Make Inferences
What is "re" and it means again?
A short explanation under, above, or beside a picture or illustration that gives information about the picture or illustration.
What is a caption?
A kite is not hard to make. When I was five years old, I couldn't do it alone. I needed someone to INSTRUCT me. Now that I can read well, I figure out how to build things by reading the directions by myself.
What is teach or tell me?
Words in bold print at the top of each page in a dictionary
What are guide words?
Nick looked around the locker room and saw rows of shiny red lockers. There were showers in here, too! Neat! After gym class, Nick threw his gym clothes in the locker. He snapped the door closed and went to take a shower. Then he returned to the locker but it wouldn't open. "You have to know the combination," said the kid next to him. "Uh-oh," thought Nick, "I'm going to be late for my next class."
What is Nick does not know the combination to the lock?
What is "mis" and it means wrongly?
A list of the parts of a book and the pages where they are located.
What is a Table of Contents?
The big box had a ribbon on it. My name was written on the box. I opened it and was very happy to see what it CONTAINED. I saw all kinds of games that I love to play.
What is held?
Lists words in alphabetical order and gives the pronunciation, syllabication, and definition(s) of each word
What is a dictionary?
Alice was in charge of the fourth graders. The teacher said, "Have the children cut out things from construction paper." So Alice had the fourth graders cut and paste. First, she had the children cut out pine trees and wreaths from green construction paper. Then the students cut circles out of the red and gold paper and pasted them onto the trees and wreaths.
What is the students are making Christmas decorations?
What is "able" and it means can be, is?
An alphabetical list of important topics and the page numbers where they are located.
What is an index?
I could not lift the box by myself. I asked two of my friends to come and ASSIST me. All three of us moved the box out of the way.
What is help?
Listed alphabetically, gives synonyms and antonyms of words
What is a thesaurus?
In the 1950s, the drive-in food place was a fad. A high school student with a car parked next to a post with a speaker on it rolled down the window and placed an order. The order was brought to the car. Often a waitress on roller skates brought out the food. In the 1960s and 1970s this fad disappeared. But it came back in the 1980s. More and more places are adding drive-in food service.
What is more and more people are eating food in the car that is brought to the car?
What is "ly" and it means in a certain way?
An alphabetical list of important words in the text and their meanings found in the back of a text.
What is a glossary?
I have three friends who went to camp for the summer. Last week, I wrote a letter to each friend. This week, two of them RESPONDED, but I still have not heard from the third one.
What is answered?
Words that have the same, or almost the same meaning
What are synonyms?
For hundreds of years, students learned by memorization and repetition. When printing was invented, students learned by listening and reading. Some people think that in the future students will work only with computers, not with teachers. The computer will tell students what to do. If they do it right, the computer will give them another problem. If they do it incorrectly, the computer will help them see what they did wrong.
What is learning has changed over the years?
What is "est" and it means most when comparing things?
Words or phrases between paragraphs that tell about the paragraph(s)
What are subheadings?
This week a new baby was born in our family. When I got home today, my mother was resting. My father was fixing supper, and he asked me not to make noise. He did not want my mother to be ANNOYED.
What is bothered?
A comparison of two things based on their similarities or differences
What is an analogy?
Students in all grades use textbooks. Students also read other kinds of books, such as novels. Some parents do not want their children to read certain novels. They ask the school to "ban," or forbid, the book. If a book is banned, people in the school can't use it and it can't be in the school library. Some great books were banned at one time or another and are now back in the libraries.
What is people change their minds about what books should be banned?