Lionfish Passage
Talent Show Contest
Spring Showers

This text feature shows your what a lionfish looks like.

a) the title

b) the subheading

c) the photograph

d) paragraph 1

What is the photograph?


Who is telling this story?

a) Ms. Spira

b) Tameka

c) Kai

d) a narrator

d) a narrator


"Pitter Patter, "Drip Drip Drop," and "Splish Splash" are examples of this poetic device.

a) rhyme

b) onomatopoeia

c) personification

d) idiom

What is b) onomatopoeia?


"These INVADERS are disrupting the ecosystem around Florida's fragile coral reefs." What does invaders mean?

a) friends

b) raiders

c) fish

d) coral

b) raiders


This text feature tells you information about a picture or photograph.



This is one solution mentioned in the article to address the lionfish problem:

a) Allowing residents to fish for lionfish without a license

b)  Introducing new kinds of fish to Florida's coral reefs

c)  Requiring restaurants to add lionfish to their menus

d)  Running ad campaigns promoting groupers as a good meal choice

What is a) Allowing residents to fish for lionfish without a license?


All of the following words describe Tameka and Kai EXCEPT--

a) flexible (able to adapt to new situations)

b) stubborn

c) students

d) talented

b) stubborn


Stanza 3 mostly appeals to this sense.

a) smell

b) hearing

c) sight

d) touch

b) hearing 


"We SLOSHED through the mud until the last drop." Which of the following is a synonym for the word SLOSHED?

a) splashed

b) slapped

c) floated

d) swam

a) splashed


True or False: You can use a dictionary and highlighter on Reading STAAR.



This explains why lionfish have thrived in Florida's waters?

a) Now, wildlife officials in Florida are asking people to strike back.

b) They were probably aquarium pets that had been released.

c) Lionfish have no natural predators.

d) They eat just about every small fish in sight.

What is C: lionfish have no natural predators?


Making Connections: Tameka and Kai were competing against each other at first. At the end of the story, they found a solution to their problem. What story have you read that is similar to this story?

Racing Team


The last stanza appeals mostly to this sense. 

a) taste

b) hearing

c) touch

d) sight

d) sight


"The friends CHATTERED as they went onto the stage." Which word is a synonym of the word CHATTERED?

a) talked

b) yelled

c) joked

d) hoped

a) talked


This type of poem has characters, conflict, and tells a story.

narrative poem

This paragraph tells you about lionfish predators.

a) paragraph 1

b) paragraph 4

c) paragraph 5

d) paragraph 9

What is paragraph 4?


What is the conflict of "Talent Show Contest"?

Tameka and Kai are trying out for one spot in an audition.


What is the mood of this poem? Use lines from the poem to support your answer.

dreary (the rain came down, thunder, sloshed through the mud)

hopeful (last stanza)

adventurous (We sloshed through the mud)


"Ms. Spira, the music teacher, was nearly finished auditioning hopefuls for the upcoming talent show. She announced to the two remaining CANDIDATES that there was just one spot left to fill..." What does the word CANDIDATES mean?

a) instruments

b) contenders 

c) teachers

d) nonparticipant

b) contenders


This text feature lets you know what a section of the reading is about. 

heading or subheading


This is one effect that lionfish are having on the ecosystem in Florida's coral reefs.

a) Native predator fish are eating many lionfish.

b) The populations of native fish are quickly increasing.

c) Fishermen are no longer able to catch groupers.

d) Groupers and other native predator fish have much less to eat. 

What is d) Groupers and other native predator fish have much less to eat?


What is a theme or lesson of "Talent Show Contest"?

Two heads are better than one.

Teamwork makes a dreamwork.

Find solutions to problems by working together. 


This poem is an example of this type of poetry.

a) humorous

b) free verse

c) lyrical

d) narrative

c) lyrical


"Lionfish are an INVASIVE species in the United States. That term describes any animal or plant that is brought to a new habitat and harms native animals or plants." 

What is one word from these sentences that helps you understand the meaning of INVASIVE?

What is "harms native animals and plants"?


Name 3 features in a selection that let you know it is NONFICTION. 

photographs, captions, dates and years, facts, real people with first and last names, diagrams
