Figurative Language

The car is a dinosaur so we better buy a new one. 


The car is very old.

The car was truly made in prehistoric times. 

The car is very new.

The car is very old.


What does plot mean?

-a sequence of events in a story

-a problem between two characters

-the lesson the reader understands

-story events in random order

-a sequence of events in a story

Which of the following is an example of THEME?

-Carry your laptops with two hands at all times.

-Cereal is the healthiest food you can eat.
-How much wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
-Life is short; make the most of it.

-Life is short; make the most of it.
Joseph and Caitlin were choosing the players for their teams. It was Caitlin's turn to choose, and only Jason was left. Caitlin said, "Jason."
We can infer that…

-Jason was the best player.

-Caitlin wanted Jason on her team.
-Jason was not a very good player.
-Caitlin had a hard time choosing a team member.

-Jason was not a very good player.

Dreams-Langston Hughes

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

How many lines are in this poem?



The clock on the wall laughed at me as I tried to finish my test before class ended. 

Which Figurative Language?



What is the exposition of a story's plot?

-the most exciting part

-when problems are solved

-the beginning; characters & setting are introduced

-the problem that starts the story's action

the beginning; characters & setting are introduced


"You can do it!" shouted her father, as he pushed Chloe and let go. She was going on her own, but suddenly fell. She cried, but said, "Again, daddy!" This time she went farther but fell into the ditch. A few moments later, she was riding down the street, smiling from ear to ear.

Which best represents the theme or moral?

-You should sacrifice for others.

-Give up when things are tough.

-When you are greedy, you will fall down.

-You should never give up.

-You should never give up.

Which sentence suggests that Joanna rode her bike to school?

-Joannaʼs hair was a little messy when she got to school.

-Joanna crossed three streets on her way to school.
-Joanna went four blocks on her way to school.
-Joanna had to put her helmet inside the classroom closet.

-Joanna had to put her helmet inside the classroom closet.

Dreams-Langston Hughes

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

How many stanzas are in this poem?



I waited a million years for my ride to get to the house.



What is the climax of a story's plot?

-the problem that starts the series of events at the beginning

-the part when the reader understands a lesson

-the part where characters and setting are introduced

-the most exciting part; a turning point

the most exciting part; a turning point

There was a ragged old woman following behind me as I walked down each aisle.  She had a strange look on her face, as her missing teeth distorted her smile.  I rushed to try to avoid her, as I was a little nervous about what she might do.  Come to find out, I dropped some money and she was trying to return it to me.

-Old people are always mean

-Don't judge a book by its cover

-You should be aware of others

-It takes courage to stand up to bullies

-Don't judge a book by its cover

Which sentence from the selection supports that the computer was not working properly?
-Rita took three hours to finish her homework.
-Ritaʼs homework was not finished.
-Rita had to write out her story instead of typing it.
-Ritaʼs homework was not done correctly.

-Rita had to write out her story instead of typing it.

Dreams-Langston Hughes

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

What type of figurative language is being used in Line 3 "Life is a broken-winged bird"



"I am as hungry as a bear!" The kind of figurative language used here is _______



The ending when the major conflict has been wrapped up and the reader understands the theme...

-falling action

-rising action




Susie was waiting for Tina to arrive in the crowded lunch room.  She looked through the crowd to see if she could spot Tina from afar.  Tina was standing in an area all by herself.  She had a perplexed look on her face, as there were no other seats available.  Thankfully, Susie had saved her a seat, and all was well.

-Lunch is best when it's crowded

-Be nice

-Friends should look out for each other
-Susie is nice

-Friends should look out for each other
Which sentence from the selection shows that the pet is a cat?

Bryan had to feed his pet every day.

Bryan had to take his pet outside right away after school.
It was Bryan's job to clean out the litter box every 3 days.
Bryanʼs pet never bites
It was Bryan's job to clean out the litter box every 3 days.

Dreams-Langston Hughes

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

What type of figurative language is being used in Line 2 "For if dreams die"



"The raindrops danced on the tabletop." The kind of figurative language used here is _______



What is the conflict?

-the people or animals in a story

-the time and place of events

-the problem or challenge

-the lesson a reader understands

-the problem or challenge

The three-year-old peered down from the diving board and looked back at his mother behind him.  His knees began to buckle as he took another step forward.  "Splash!"

-It takes courage to accomplish your goals

-You should never give up

-It takes loyalty to reach your dreams

-People make sacrifices for others

-It takes courage to accomplish your goals

You notice muddy paw prints on the ground in your kitchen and you find a hole in your backyard. What can you infer has happened?

-Your dog dug a hole in the yard

-The rain made a hole in the yard

-A strange animal made a hole in your backyard
-Your dad dug a hole in the backyard

-Your dog dug a hole in the yard


Your Best

If you always try your best
Then you’ll never have to wonder
About what you could have done
If you’d summoned all your thunder.
And if your best
Was not as good
As you hoped it would be,
You still could say,
“I gave today
All that I had in me.”

What is the message/lesson this poem teaches? 

-Sometimes you can work hard and it won't be enough.

-Always try your best, because you will never regret it.

-Work hard only on things that you like to do.

-Help others as much as you can to become your best.

-Always try your best, because you will never regret it.
