A Thesis is a Thesis
Sentence Revision
Poetic Elements
The mathematical equation used to create a thesis statement 

What is the What + the Why = A Thesis Statement 


What is the most effective way to combine sentences 8 and 9? 

F Bottled water may be attractively packaged, but it is simply processed tap water. 

G Bottled water is simply processed tap water because it is attractively packaged.

 H Bottled water may be attractively packaged, so it is simply processed tap water. 

J Bottled water is attractively packaged, because it is simply processed tap water.

 F Bottled water may be attractively packaged, but it is simply processed tap water.


Define a metaphor

a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. does not use like or as 


Fact or Fib 

a story has a THESIS



What happens if you do not take the STAAR test this year?

1. You will have to take it in the summer or your junior year 


(1) Sweating during a summer afternoon in Texas, people gaze into convenience-store refrigerators. (2) They select chilled bottles of water and stand in line at the register, where they might pay more than $2.00 per bottle. (3) After chugging the water, they toss the bottles into the trash. (4) What’s wrong with this picture? (5) Consumers pay far too much for a drink of water, and those same bottles clog oceans and contaminate the soil. (6) This needs to stop now! 

5 Mimi’s essay does not have a strong position statement. Which of the following sentences should replace sentence 6 to serve as an effective position statement? 

A It’s foolish to buy several bottles of water each day when there’s no good reason for doing this.

 B People need to stop doing this now and protest against bottled-water companies. 

C These problems can be solved, however, if people choose to drink water from reusable containers instead of plastic bottles.

 D The list of problems that people are causing, such as increasing pollution, by buying bottled water is endless.


What type of sentence is this? 

I like to fish because fishing is fun.

Although "I like to fish" is an independent clause and "fishing is fun" is an independent clause, "because" is not a coordinating conjunction. Therefore, "because fishing is fun" is a dependent clause (it doesn't express a complete thought). This is a complex sentence 


What poetic language is being used?

Some gifts are not given: you 10 are delivered to them, bound by chains of nerves and genes stronger than iron or steel, although unseen. You have painted every day for as long as I can remember 15 and will be painting still when you read this, some cold and distant December when the child is old and the trees no longer silver but black fingers scratching a grey sky

Personification to create a sad or somber mood I will even accept scary 


List the complete plot diagram

  1. Exposition/introduction
  2. Rising action
  3. Climax/turning point
  4. Falling action
  5. Resolution/denouement


Informational Text has a Thesis 



6 Ken is not satisfied with his thesis statement in sentence 3. Which of the following should replace sentence 3 to provide a more effective thesis statement?

 F The AquaDom in Berlin, Germany, is very tall and made of glass; it is an experience that many people would like to have. 

G For a worthwhile experience, you should go to the AquaDom in Berlin, Germany; it is a unique attraction. 

H The AquaDom in Berlin, Germany, is a completely different kind of aquarium; it is a unique attraction that many people would love to experience. 

J The AquaDom in Berlin, Germany, is sort of a different kind of an aquarium; it is something many people would like to go see.



What type of sentence is this?

She is going to the movies, or she is going to the mall.

"She is going to the movies" is an independent clause where "She" is the subject, "is going" is the action, and a complete thought is expressed.

"She is going to the mall" is an independent clause where "She" is the subject, "is going" is the action, and a complete thought is expressed.

The coordinator "or" is used, and a comma is placed before "or."


40 Which of these lines contains poetic language that conveys a sense of gentleness?

F And the eyes of those two Indian ponies Darken with kindness.

G At home once more, They begin munching the young tufts of spring in the darkness. 

H We step over the barbed wire into the pasture Where they have been grazing all day, alone.

 J She is black and white, Her mane falls wild on her forehead,

F And the eyes of those two Indian ponies Darken with kindness. 


 His old scaly hand crawls over to touch my knee. His fingers are white, the nails cracking and dull, like old silver. In this paragraph, the author uses imagery to —

 F show the son’s fear of being touched by his father 

G imply that the father may not really be dying after all 

H emphasize how aged and decrepit the father appears to his son 

J suggest that the son has little respect for his father

H emphasize how aged and decrepit the father appears to his son


List the types of authors purpose

1. To encourage 

 2.  To advocate

3. To explain 

4. To persuade

THere are more  


6     Aisha would like to offer a more effective thesis statement for her paper. Which of the following could replace sentences 3 and 4 and help accomplish this goal?

 F There was a group in the area that would be called Knits for Nature. This particular group decided that it wanted to help the birds and made sweaters for them that would do this. 

G A group of concerned conservationists in the area came together to help these birds. The group, which called itself Knits for Nature, began temporarily fitting the oil-soaked birds with handmade sweaters. 

H While many people wanted to help the little birds, Knits for Nature acted quickly. After learning about the plight of Australia’s fairy penguins, they knew that there was something they could contribute.

 J These birds desperately needed some help, or they might all die. A group known as Knits for Nature came to the rescue for the birds with their sweaters.



Which sentence is extraneous

(19) Many of the students at NSSU will go on to become coaches, physical education teachers, and trainers. (20) The university also offers master’s and doctoral degree programs. (21) Keiko Suzuki, captain of the 2014 walking team, says that by participating in precision walking, she and her classmates will be better English II Page 4 prepared for their careers. (22) “We all mastered this highly disciplined training and made it our habit to stick to strict rules,” said Suzuki. (23) “I believe this experience will be an asset as we enter into the job market.”

Sentence 20

What is Free Verse Poetry 

Free verse is the name given to poetry that doesn’t use any strict meter or rhyme scheme. Because it has no set meter, poems written in free verse can have lines of any length, from a single word to much longer. William Carlos Williams’s short poem “The Red Wheelbarrow” is written in free verse. It reads: “so much depends / upon / a red wheel / barrow / glazed with rain / water / beside the white / chickens.”


What does this quote say about a person?

“I’d say I’d missed you,” I say, “if I knew what I was missing.” 

A He blames himself for his father’s long absences. B He thinks his father never gave them the opportunity to be close.\

 C He is too willing to forgive his father for lying. 

D He is unwilling to share what he knows with his father.

B He thinks his father never gave them the opportunity to be close.\


How many questions are on the STAAR E2 Test 

52 plus an essay


8     Joe would like to replace sentence 8 with a sentence that better articulates the thesis of his paper. Which of the following will accomplish this goal? 

F     Surfing requires just the right equipment, careful observation of the waves, and the patience to perfect a difficult skill. 

G     Surfing certainly requires specific materials, identified waves, and various personality traits. 

H     Surfing requires people who are willing to think about the equipment, the waves, and their own personality traits.

 J     Surfing requires people who care about the materials used, waves seen, and variety of personality traits represented. 



What is the most effective revision to make in sentence 15?

 A A misstep by just one student and a flaw is created that is visible in the perfectly coordinated display. 

B A misstep by just one student creates a visible flaw in the perfectly coordinated display. 

C A misstep by just one student creates a flaw in the perfectly coordinated display, the flaw is visible. 

D A misstep by just one student creates a visible flaw that can be seen in the perfectly coordinated display.

 B A misstep by just one student creates a visible flaw in the perfectly coordinated display.


What does this simile mean>

They bow shyly as wet swans. They love each other. 

C presents the ponies as timid and graceful


What is a moral dilemma


A moral dilemma is a situation in which a person is torn between right and wrong. A moral dilemma involves a conflict with the very core of a person's principles and values. The choice the person makes may leave them feeling burdened, guilty, relieved, or questioning their values.


How much time do you have to take the STAAR test 

5 hours 
