Short answer
Terms to Know
Test Strategies
How many pieces of textual evidence do you need to pass the paired answer response?
What is two, one quote from each piece of literature.
How do you organize an essay?
What is an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Language that focusses on one or more of the five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch
What is imagery?
Some readers will recognize the writers being parodied others will need to consult the notes. Punctuate the sentence.
Some readers will recognize the writers being parodied; others will need to consult the notes.
How many hours of sleep should you get the night before the test?
What is 8 hours. p.s. eat a breakfast with protein, no Monsters! You will crash.
Name one mistake to NOT do that could decrease your score.
not use a quote or the "right" quote; say something random that cannot be proven with text, say something that doesn't apply to both stories
What is a claim and where does it go?
A statement that takes a position (a side) of the issue. It goes in the introduction.
If a word has the ability to make you feel or think a certain way, it has a ______________.
What is connotation?
I hope to go fishing in the gulf of mexico in june. Which words need to be capitalized?
What is Gulf, Mexico, and June?
How long should you spend on each section? (4sections: revising and editing, persuasive essay, reading, short answer)
What is 1.15 hours on each section. p.s. each section is worth the same amount of points.
Name one inference starter to use after a quote.
This suggests, this illustrates, this reveals, all this adds up to show, from this we can conclude.
What is a concession and where could it go in the essay?
A statement to acknowledge the opponent's side of the issue. Can begin the second body paragraph OR be in the conclusion.
The author's attitude about the subject he or she is writing about.
What is tone?
The affect/effect of taking this test affects/effects your future. pick the correct forms
What is effect, affects?
If you don't know whether to capitalize a word, what do you do to figure it out?
What is look in the back of the dictionary?
Name the sections of the nine-square
What are quotes (details), inferences, and conclusion
List all of the words in the acronym H.E.L.P.S.
What is historical, economic, literary, personal, social
This is the term for the message about life that comes through literature and film. This applies to the characters AND to us, the reader/viewer.
What is theme?
Each of the girls will read their/her speech in class.
What is her? The word each is singular
What should you annotate for while reading the passages?
What is the central message, inferences, character description, what a character says, does, feels, thinks, etc.? vocabulary
What are the three things needed in a short answer response?
What is an in-depth answer, quotes, and inferences?
What should be the last sentence in a persuasive essay conclusion?
A plan of action or advice for the future
What is the term for placing two ideas side by side in order to contrast
What is juxtaposition?
The Spurs and the Pacers play tonight both teams players want that ring! insert the two correct pieces of punctuation
The Spurs and the Pacers play tonight; both teams' players want that ring!
When is the best time to take a break during STAAR?
What is after a reading passage or before writing the essay?