Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 5
Maria measured 3 amounts of water for an experiement in science lab. The amounts were 0.35 liter, 1.27 liters, and 1.38 liters. What was the total amount of water that she measured?
What is 3 liters
In the equation n = 12x, what would the value of x be is n equals 42.
What is 3.5
A three dimensional figure has one vertex and a circular base. What kind of figure is it?
What is a cone?
What is the area of a triangle with the height of 5 and a base of 10 inches? Be sure to write out the formula too.
What is 25 square inches
Danielle's mom makes pasta for dinner at least once per week. Her mom also makes green beans once per week. What is the probability that Danielle will have both pasta and green beans on Wednesday night?
What is 1/49
Juan is planning a party. He has an allowance of $100 for the party. He went shopping and spent $35.56 for videos, $14.35 for snacks, $21.50 for a present, and $13.50 for drinks. How much of his allowance does he have remaining after the shopping trip?
What is $15.09
Look at the equation: v = 12 x 2 x n Which does the variable v best represent? a. volume of a rectangular prism with edges of 12, 2, & n b. total number of inches in n feet c. total number of square incles in n feet d. perimeter of a triangle with sides of 12, 2 and n
What is A
Complimentary angles are
What is TWO angles that add up to 90 degrees.
The diagram shows the shape of John's garden. He needs to buy mulch for his garden. Each bag covers 9 square feet. Approximately how many bags will John need to buy to cover his entire garden?
What is 5 bags
Kelly has a bag of candies that she wants to share with her friends. There are 15 mints, 10 butterscotch drops, and 20 fruit swirls. Sam doesn't like butterscotch drops. If he chooses a candy randomly without looking, what are the chances he will choose a candy that he likes?
What is 7/9
A carpenter has two pieces of lumber. One piece is 5 and 3/4 feet long and the other piece is 4 and 7/8 feet long. What is the difference between the lengths of the two pieces of lumber?
What is 7/8 or 0.875
A builder has two sizes of triangular tiles to cover a floor. The tiles are similar. What is the height of the larger tile? (see picture of triangular tiles)
What is 16 inches.
Supplementary angles are...
What is TWO angles that add up to 180 degrees.
A pipe has a length of 15 inches and a diameter of 6 inches. How many cubic inches of water can the pipe hold? Be sure to show formula.
What is 423.9 cubic inches
John places 4 red marbles, 2 blue marbles, 3 green marbles, and 4 orange marbles in a bag. He pulls out one marble and replaces it before pulling out a second marble. What is the probability that John pulled out a green marble both times.
What is 9/169
Darrel made a long-distance phone call that lasted 38 minutes. If the first ten minutes cost $2.50 and each minute after that cost $0.53, how much did Darrel's phone call cost?
What is $17.34
Vanessa baked 36 cookies for a family reunion. Twelve were chocolate chip, 8 were oatmeal and the rest were sugar cookies. What percentage of the cookies were oatmeal? Round to the nearest whole number.
What is 44%
The rectangular figure ABCD is reflected over the y axis. What is the vertex of D if its original location is (-4,-3)?
What is (4, -3)
What is the volume of a refrigerator that is 3 feet wide, 3 and one half feet deep and 6 feet tall?
What is 63 cubic feet
Hopkins School is holding auditions for the school musical. The 50 participants talents are displayed in the Venn diagram. How many students will audition for only dance? What percentage is this?
What is 15 students and 30%
Jose and his three friends went to dinner. The cost of the meal was $37 including the tip. If they shared the cost of the meal equally, how much would each of them pay? If Jose paid his part with a $20, how much change would he get back?
What is $9.25. Jose would get $10.75 back.
What equation would Johnny use to find the volume of the following: Johnny has a fish tank that is in the shape of a cylinder that has a diameter that is half of the height. The height is 22 inches and he wants to fill it halfway.
What is V = Pi x 30.25 x 22 divided by 2.
If you slide a rectangle 3 units to the left and 3 units down, what will be the new coordinates of Vertex A if it starting point is (-2, 3)?
What is (-5,0)
The volume of a cylinder is 395.64 cubic centimeters. The height is 14 cm. What is the diameter of the base?
What is 6?
Harry studied for his final exams every day for a week. The number of hours he studied each day is listed below. 2, 3, 1.5, 2.5, 1, 2, 2 What are the mean, median, mode and range of this data?
What is median = 2, range = 2, mode = 2, mean = 2