School Cases
Civil Rights Cases
Famous Phrases
Supreme Court Trivia

Ended school segregation stating “Separate but equal” educational facilities for racial minorities is inherently unequal

What is Brown v. Board of Education?


advanced the controversial “separate but equal” doctrine, which led to racial segregation and discrimination laws in the United States

What is Plessy v. Ferguson?


This case said the 1st amendment was violated when Amish students were required to go to school after the 8th grade despite their religious beliefs

What is Wisconsin v. Yoder?


"separate but equal"

What is Plessy v. Ferguson?


The U.S. Supreme Court is part of this branch of government 

What is the Judicial Branch?


held that the students did not lose their First Amendment rights to freedom of speech when they stepped onto school property unless their actions directly interfered with school operations.

What is Tinker v. Des Moines?


Civil Rights-era case that struck down existing laws against interracial marriage in 16 U.S. states.

What is Loving v. Virginia?


This amendment was violated when Tinker was not allowed to protest by silently wearing an armband with a peace sign to school

What is the 1st Amendment?


"clear and present danger"

What is Schenck v. U.S.?


This was the lawyer who represented Linda Brown's case in 1954 and later became the first African American Supreme Court justice

Who is Thurgood Marshall?


Texas case that ruled that Mexican American children could not be segregated because of race

What is Delgado v. Bastrop ISD?


ruled that Mexican Americans were protected under the 14th Amendment and couldn't be excluded from jury duty under Jim Crow laws and practices in Texas.

What is Hernandez v. Texas?


This amendment was violated when Mr. Miranda was not made aware of his right to remain silent while in police custody

What is the 5th Amendment?


a defendant “must be warned prior to any questioning that he has the right to remain silent"

What is Miranda v. Arizona?


Appointed by President Ronald Reagan, this was the first woman to serve as a justice on the Supreme Court

Who is Sandra Day O'Connor?


concerned the right of Mexican Americans to attend whites-only local schools in California

What is Mendez v. Westminster?


The Court found that the mere separation of law students at the University of Texas at Austin harmed students' abilities to compete in the legal arena.

What is Sweatt v. Painter?


This amendment was violated when Dollree Mapp's home was searched without first obtaining a search warrant

What is the 4th Amendment?


"Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal"

What is Brown v. Board of Education?


This president was accused of trying to pack the Supreme Court with judges who would approve his New Deal legislation

Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)?


provided equal funding for schools in Texas by distributing money from richer districts towards low-income schools (Robin Hood case)

What is Edgewood ISD v. Kirby?


found that Executive Order 9066 did not show racial prejudice but rather responded to the strategic imperative of keeping the U.S. and particularly the West Coast secure from invasion.

What is Korematsu v. U.S.?


This World War I case states that the 1st amendment is not protected when someone's speech causes "a clear and present danger" (ex: yelling GUN in the cafeteria)

What is Schenck v. U.S.?


neither students nor teachers “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate”

What is Tinker v. Des Moines?


This is the name given to the period between 1953 to 1969 during which the Supreme Court saw several civil rights cases such as Brown v. Board and Hernandez v. Texas

What is the Warren Court?
