Figurative Language
Author's Purpose
Text Structure
Persuasive Techniques
He was so hungry, he ate that whole cornfield for lunch, stalks and all. This is an example of what type of figurative language?
A story about a family trying to stick together and survive through the Great Depression in the Midwest in the 1930s. What would be the author's purpose?
A monkey put his hand into a jar of cookies. He grasped as many as he could possibly hold, but when he tried to pull out his hand, he was prevented from doing so by the neck of the cookie jar. Unwilling to lose the cookies, and yet unable to withdraw his hand, he burst into tears and bitterly lamented his disappointment. What is the theme?
Don't be greedy.
When I got home from school after a long boring day, I took out the peanut butter, jelly, and bread. After taking the lid off of the jars, I spread the peanut butter on one side of the bread and the jelly on the other, and then I put the two pieces of bread together. After that, I enjoyed it while watching "Cops" on the TV. I swear, that was the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich I ever ate. What is the text structure?
Sequence/Chronological Order
An athlete on a box of Wheaties would be an example of what type of persuasive technique?
Love is a sad and lonely flower. This is an example of what type of figurative language?
What would the author's purpose be in writing an instructional booklet describing how to operate a smart phone?
A CROW perishing with thirst saw a pitcher, and hoping to find water, flew to it with delight. When he reached it, he discovered to his grief that it contained so little water that he could not possibly get at it. He tried everything he could think of to reach the water, but all his efforts were in vain. At last he collected as many stones as he could carry and dropped them one by one with his beak into the pitcher, until he brought the water within his reach and thus saved his life. What is the theme?
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
A hurricane is a large storm with heavy winds and rain that begins in the ocean and builds up strength as it moves across the water. While some of the damage caused by hurricanes is from high winds, most of it is usually from tidal surge, flooding entire cities, and killing large numbers of people. A tornado is a storm that develops on land, with no warning, and moves in a circular motion with heavy winds with a funnel shape, picking up and carrying dirt, dust, and even objects. The damage caused by tornadoes is from the high velocity winds, which are extremely destructive and deadly. They can demolish entire neighborhoods in a matter of a few seconds to a few minutes. Tornadoes can form when hurricanes make landfall, as their winds at ground level slow down, while the winds near the top keep their momentum, but a hurricane cannot be created by a tornado. What is the text structure?
Compare and Contrast
"4 out of 5 dentists recommend sugarless gum for their patients who chew gum," is an example of what persuasive technique?
Expert Opinion
The angrily booming thunder woke me from my sleep. This is an example of what type of figurative language?
The purpose of a speech written by a professional athlete listing the negative effects of steroids and urging young athletes to not use steroids would be to __________.
At one time the Fox and the Stork were on visiting terms and seemed very good friends. So the Fox invited the Stork to dinner, and for a joke put nothing before her but some soup in a very shallow dish. This the Fox could easily lap up, but the Stork could only wet the end of her long bill in it, and left the meal as hungry as when she began. "I am sorry," said the Fox, "the soup is not to your liking." The Crane, in his turn, asked the Fox to dine at his home the next night. When they were seated at table all that was for their dinner was contained in a very long-necked jar with a narrow mouth, in which the Fox could not insert his snout, so all he could manage to do was to lick the outside of the jar. What is the theme of this story?
Treat others as you would like to be treated.
There are many theories about why the dinosaurs vanished from the planet. One theory that many people believe is that a gigantic meteorite smashed into the Earth. Scientists believe that the meteorite was very big and that the impact may have produced a large dust cloud that covered the Earth for many years. The dust cloud may have caused plants to not receive sunlight and the large plant eaters, or herbivores, may have died off, followed by the large meat eaters, or carnivores. This theory may or may not be true, but it is one explanation as to why these giant reptiles no longer inhabit the Earth. What is the text structure?
Cause and Effect
"Thousands of women across the country are using Revlon nail polish. Buy yours today!" This is an example of what type of persuasive technique?
Bertha Bartholomew blew big, blue bubbles is an example of what type of figurative language?
A young girl’s note to her parents giving reasons why they should buy a puppy purpose would be to _______________.
The little grey mouse that lived in my wall prospered for many days on nibbles of my lunch. I’d pack a meal before bed and, while I slept, he would take small bites of my lunch, which I left on the counter. He’d take a cracker crumble here, and a bread crumb there, but he wouldn’t take too much and he’d always clean up after himself. Things were going quite well for him and I didn’t even know he existed, until he got sloppy. One night while I slept, he ate all of my chips and left behind a big mess. When I awoke to this sight, I knew what had happened to my chips. So the next night when he returned for another snack, he found a nice, delicious piece of cheese… lightly balanced on a mouse trap. Now I don’t have to share my chips anymore. What is the theme of this passage?
Don't be greedy and sloppy. Clean up after yourself.
Dr. Miller doesn't want the tigers to vanish. These majestic beasts are disappearing at an alarming rate. Dr. Miller thinks that we should write to our congress people. If we let them know that we demand the preservation of this species, maybe we can make a difference. Dr. Miller also thinks that we should donate to Save the Tigers. Our donations will help to support and empower those who are fighting the hardest to preserve the tigers. We owe it to our grandchildren to do something. What is the text structure?
Problem and Solution
"Be a hero for animals. Don't let another animal be the victim of cruel and senseless abuse. Act now." This is an example of what persuasive technique?
Emotional Appeal
Maxwell is as tall as a giraffe.
A picture book about a dog that gets lost on a family vacation and has to find his way home would be written to _______________________.
A Fox was boasting to a Cat of its clever devices for escaping its enemies. "I have a whole bag of tricks," he said, "which contains a hundred ways of escaping my enemies." "I have only one," said the Cat; "but I can generally manage with that." Just at that moment they heard the cry of a pack of hounds coming towards them, and the Cat immediately scampered up a tree and hid herself in the boughs. "This is my plan," said the Cat. "What are you going to do?" The Fox thought first of one way, then of another, and while he was debating the hounds came nearer and nearer, and at last the Fox in his confusion was caught up by the hounds and soon killed by the huntsmen. What is the theme of this story?
It is better to do one thing right, than many incorrectly.
Have you ever wondered what the inside of a volcano looks like? Deep underground is a magma chamber. The magma chamber is under the bedrock of the earth's crust. The conduit or pipe runs from the magma chamber to the top of the volcano. The conduit connects the magma chamber to the surface. Most volcanoes also have a crater at the top. Volcanoes are quite a sight, and you can enjoy this site all over the universe. Volcanoes are found on planets other than Earth, like the Olympus Mons on Mars. What is the text structure?
Main Idea/Description
An ad where they are trying to convince the reader that a Big Mac is better than a Whopper is using what type of persuasive technique?
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