Comparing Numbers
Word Problems
Area and Perimeter
Which number is greater: thirty four thousand three hundred seventy three OR thirty four thousand two hundred thirty seven
What is 33,373
Ava saved 245 pennies in April. She saved 365 pennies in May and saved 132 pennies in June. How many pennies did Ava save in all?
What is 742 pennies
How many more vertices does a cube have than a cone?
What is 7 more vertices
Haven drew a figure. Each side of the figure is the same length which is 3 centimeters. What could the figure be? A. A triangle with a perimeter of 9 cm B. A square with a perimeter of 6 cm C. A square with a perimeter of 9 cm
What is A
Waskom Elementary has 187 Kindergarten students, 203 First Grade students, and 382 Second Grade students. What is the best estimate of the total number of first and second grade students?
What is 600 students
How many more ten thousands are in the number 148,305 than in the number 321,904?
What is 2 ten thousands
There are 306 people at the fair on Saturday. There are 124 fewer people on Sunday. How many people are at the fair BOTH Saturday and Sunday?
What is 488 people
How many edges does a rectangular prism have?
What is 12 edges
The perimeter of a hexagon is 30 inches. What is the length of one side?
What is 5 inches
There were 592 hot lunches served on Wednesday and 371 served on Thursday. About how many more lunches were served on Wednesday than on Thursday? A. 960 B. 100 C. 220 D. 210
What is C
A ranch has 3,475 cattle. Between which two thousands is this number? A. 3,000 and 4,000 B. 2,000 and 3,000 C. 4,000 and 5,000 D. 1,000 and 2,000
What is A
Bobbie has 4 packs of trading cards. Each pack holds 6 cards. Bobbie gives 6 of the cards to his sister. How many cards does Bobbie have left?
What is 18 cards
How many more sides does an octagon have than a hexagon?
What is 2 more sides
What is the area of this figure?
What is 116 meters
There are 246 girls and 229 boys at the zoo. After lunch, 164 of the students go home. About how many children are still at the zoo? A. 320 C. 640 B. 480 D. 90
What is A
Luke's book has 182 pages. Elena's book has 208 pages. Corey's book has more pages than Luke's and fewer pages than Elena's. Which could be the number of pages in Corey's book? A. 179 B. 224 C. 194 D. 210
What is C
Jessie has 4 boxes of 8 crayons and 3 boxes of 5 markers and 2 single markers. How many more crayons than markers does Jessie have?
What is 15 more crayons
A recipe calls for half a gallon of milk. What tool would you use to measure the amount of milk you need? A. ruler B. scale C. measuring cup D. measuring spoon
What is C
Jarred wanted to make a rectangular garden. The width of the garden was 4 and the perimeter was 26. What would the length of one side be? A. 30 C. 13 B. 22 D. 9
What is D
The Bartlett family is on vacation. They travel 432 miles on Monday. They travel forty three more miles on Tuesday than on Monday. About how many miles did they travel over the two days? A. 800 C. 1,000 B. 700 D. 900
What is D
Which statement is true? A. 7,408 = 7,492 B. 7,316 > 7,408 C. 7,492 < 7,395 D. 7,316 < 7,395
What is D
Jason 15 red beads and 10 blue beads. He makes 5 bracelets with an equal number of beads on each bracelet. How many beads are on each bracelet?
What is 5 beads
Bryce leaves baseball practice at 6:18. He hit balls for 15 minutes and fielded balls for 20 minutes. What time did he get to practice? A. 6:53 C. 5:43 B. 6:03 D. 5:45
What is C
One side of this polygon measures 6 inches. What could this polygon be? A. A triangle with a perimeter of 24 B. A square with a perimeter of 24 C. A square with a perimeter of 12
What is B
Hannah, Sam, and Alex play a game. Hannah has 325 points. Sam has 234 points. Alex has 124 fewer points than Hannah and Sam together. About how many points does Alex have? A. 440 C. 200 B. 680 D. 710
What is A