Revising and Editing
Compare & Contrast
The punctuation mark that takes the place of a period
What is a semicolon?
The definition of fiction
What is a literary genre that describes imaginary events and people?
A type of literature that belongs in the non-fiction category
What is an essay? What is an article? What is a how-to manual? What is a biography or an autobiography? What is an expository text? What is an informational text? Etc.
True or False: On the compare and contrast section, you will not always compare texts that belong to the same genre
What is TRUE?
The meaning of an "expository" essay
What is an essay that explains something?
One of the rules for when to use a comma
What is after an introductory clause? What is between an independent and dependent clause? What is to separate items in a list? What is BEFORE a fanboy? What is between a city and a state? What is to set apart an appositive? What is when you are greeting or addressing a particular person?
One strategy you could use to make a fictional text more interesting
What is put yourself in the character's shoes? What is make a movie of the story in your mind? What is predict what you think will happen along the way? What is think of who the characters remind you of? What is imagine all the characters are chickens?
A strategy you can use to make a non-fiction text less boring
What is determine the author's claim and decide whether you agree with it? What is summarize the main idea of the paragraphs so you don't have to go back and re-read AS MUCH? What is try to figure out why the STAAR writers thought you should care about this issue? What is put yourself in the shoes of whoever is experiencing the conflict (whether that's a person or a strange animal) and imagine how you would feel or what you would do?
Something you should do because the compare and contrast questions occur after the single-passage questions
What is re-read parts of both texts so that you can refresh your memory? What is do the single-passage questions first because they may help you understand the texts better before you try to compare them?
The four paragraphs I suggest you have in your essay and the order in which they should occur
What is 1) Introduction 2) Example #1 3) Example #2 4) Conclusion
The function of transition words/phrases
What is to show how an author's ideas connect? What is to connect one sentence's meaning to the next? What is to make your writing flow better?
The use of figurative language to represent objects, actions and ideas in such a way that it appeals to our physical senses
What is imagery?
Something you can write in the margins other than a summary (although summaries are great too)
What is identifying a surprising moment? What is identifying something you relate to or agree with? What is a question you wonder about? What is identifying a funny (LOL) moment? What is making a connection (between something you read and something else)?
A tool that you may need to use on the compare and contrast questions
What is the dictionary?
The most important sentence in your essay
What is your thesis statement?
What to do if there is an answer choice about spelling
Two elements of the story that you should always figure out EVEN IF there are no questions about them
What are theme and conflict?
The most important thing to determine in a non-fiction text
What is the main idea?
The three steps to answering the compare and contrast questions
What is 1) Read the questions, underline important stuff, and make sure you know what it's asking! 2) Read the answer choices and make sure you know what each answer choice means (use dictionary if necessary). 3) For each choice, decide if it is true about each text (& keep in mind whether it is supposed to be true based on the question)
Two ways you can avoid being repetitive in your essay
What is use a dictionary/thesaurus to find synonyms for a word you're tempted to use a million times? What is BRAINSTORM/MAKE AN OUTLINE so that you already know what you're going to say? What is re-read your essay to check for sentences where you're saying the same thing over and over instead of building on your idea?
The three steps to answering the revising and editing questions
What is 1) Read the questions/underline important words 2) Highlight or underline the sentences mentioned in the questions 3) Answer the questions. Plug in each suggested change to the sentence and see how it looks/sounds.
The strategy we have been using to summarize the Book Thief that will ALSO help you ensure your comprehension of a fictional text
What is Somebody Wanted But So Then?
A true or false answer to the following idea: You are not required to make inferences about non-fiction texts
What is FALSE?
The two types of questions they will ask you on the compare and contrast section
What are similarities and differences? What are things BOTH texts have in common and things true about JUST ONE of the texts?
Three kinds of examples you could use to support your thesis
What is a personal example? What is a historical example? What is a fictional example (book/movie/TV/etc.)? What is a societal example (connecting the idea to society)? What is a biographical example (celebrity/famous person)?