What are the four parts of the RACE strategy?
Restate, Answer, Cite, Explain
What does it mean to cite?
Gather evidence from the text that is relevant to your answer.
RESTATE "WRITE about your favorite time of the year. Explain what makes it special." Write a thesis that answers this prompt.
Answers may vary. "My favorite time of the year is ..."
RESTATE "WRITE about what job you would like to do when you are older. Explain why you would like to do that job." Write a preview that fits this prompt.
Answers may vary. ...Reason 1, and Reason 2. "I can help people, and I would make huge amounts of money."
RESTATE "WRITE about one thing you would like to have. Explain why you would like to have that particular thing." Write a thesis that answers this prompt.
Answers may vary. "One thing I would like to have is..."