Gilded Age
Progressive Era
American Imperialism/WW1
20s and 30s
WW2 / Red Scare
JFK / LBJ / Nixon
Carter / Reagan /Clinton

Industrialization, Political corruption, Strikes, Innovation, Economic Growth

What are characteristics of the Gilded Age?


Third Parties, Populism, Political reform, Nativism, Racial violence

What are Characteristics of the Progressive Era?


Territorial Expansion, "White Man's burden", war, yellow journalism, Big Stick Diplomacy, banana republics, Militarism

What are characteristic of the Imperialist age?


A decade of Flappers, Stock Markets, payment plans, consumerism, and red scare, followed by a decade of dustbowl, poverty, Migration, unemployment, and government programs. 

Characteristics of the 1920s and 30s


Militarism, innovation, national security, nativism, isolationism, dictators, 

What are characterizes of the WWII and Redcare era 


Government Corruption, Civil Rights, Space Race, Vietnam War, Counterculture, Denente 

What are the characteristics of the JFK, LBJ, Nixon age? 


Embargos, Foreign Policy, Hostages, Corruption, Star Wars, Evangelism, Dot Com, 

What are Characteristics of the Carter, Reagan, and Clinton era


During the Gilded Age, World Changing innovations like the tractor, lightbulb, Automobile, railroad and steam engine, steel, and rifles became widely available and affordable because of __________

What is Industrialism?


The hands-off domestic policy practiced by the US during the Gilded Age which allowed businesses to operate will little or no supervision or restrictions.  

What is Laissez-Faire policy?


The conflict the allowed the US to annexation of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines massively expand the US's trading capabilities.  

What is the Spanish American war.


An economic system in which businesses make things in large scale and sell goods and services to customers to make a profit.

What is Consumerism?


The Widespread fear of communist spies and saboteurs common in the US after WW2 leading to a Congressional investigation which accused many American citizens and federal workers of Communist sympathies often without any concreate evidence.  

What is McCarthyism / the Second red scare.


The Dawes Act, Indian Schools, destruction of bison herds, and reservations are examples of __________ policy enacted by the US government during the Gilded age  

What is Assimilation policy?


This political cartoon from the progressive era was used to support the passage of this amendment to the Constitution.

What is Prohibition / The 18th Amendment?


This US foreign policy used US military power to defend US business interests in Latin American and the Caribbean and leading to the creation of a canal through Panama, massive US owned fruit plantations throughout Latin America, and eventually the annexation of Hawaii.

What is big stick Diplomacy?


The Great Migration, Economic Opportunity in northern cities, popular support of the arts and education, some relief from oppression and discrimination 

What are causes of the Harlem Renaissance? 


The use of this weapon on two Japanese cities helped end the war with the Japanese but created competition and conflict between the US and USSR.

What is an atomic bomb?


Indvidual's who used monopolistic business methods to maximize their profits and control over an industry, often at the cost of workers and consumers health and safety were called _________ during the Gilded Age  

ex. Andrew Carnegie, John P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Cornielius Vanderbilt  

Captains of industry / Robber Barrons


President Theodore Roosevelt passed this law after Upton Sinclair published "The Jungle" detailing the horrible living conditions and unsanitary practices of the US food industry.  

What is the Pure Food and Drug Act?


German Unrestricted Submarine warfare, the Zimmerman telegram, and supporting allies. 

What are Reason Woodrow Willson joined WW1.


A negative response to increased immigration and demographic change in the US tied to the distrust of foreigners and the belief that citizens should take priority over immigrants.

What is Nativism?


A social movement that encouraged citizens to ration resources, produce their own food, and work for military industries in order to support the war effort. 

What is Volunteerism? 


This political cartoon from the Gilded Age was used to support this Idea. 

What are government regulations on business?


____ gave congress the power to establish an income tax on Americans | ___ Established the direct election of senators | ____ established the suffrage rights for women. 

What are the 16th, 17th, and 19th Amendments to the constitution.


This document which defined the end terms of WW1 was rejected by Senator Henry Cabbot lodge because it committed the US to the League of Nations.

The Treaty of Versailles?


This innovation allowed products like Henry Ford's Model T. to be produced quickly and efficiently at a low price eventually become the standard for industrial manufacturing.

What is the Assembly line?


The Bataan death march in the Philippines

Japanese internment camps in the US

Concentration Camps in Germany and Poland

Japanese prisoner camps in China  

What are human rights violations / atrocities of WW2?


This law was designed to reduce political corruption caused by Patronage and the spoils system requiring that federal employees be hired by exam rather than being appointed by the executive.  

What is the Pendleton Act?


The process which voters introduce a bill to be voted on | The Process which voters put a problem or possible solution before the legislator | The process which voters vote to force an elected official out of office before their term is complete.

What is an Initiative, referendum, and recall.


A law created during WW1 that was designed to protect the US war effort and restricted Americans 1st Amendment rights.

What are the Espionage and Sedition acts?


The US Domestic policy that created the FDIC, AAA, CCC, Social Security, TVA, WPA and more federal agencies expanding the role of the US Government.

What is the New Deal?


The Navajo Code talkers using native American languages encode military messages and plans.

The Flying tigers using their experience as fighter pilots to defend Chinese and Southeast Asian territories.

The Harlem Hell fighters assisting the assisting the French military's defense from German attack.

Women working as nurses, ambulance drivers, and munitions manufactures, 

What are minority volenteers who aided the US during WW2.


The reduction of Tariffs, Free coinage of silver, public ownership of railroads, direct elections of senators, and a graduated income tax are points from this Gilded Age third party political platform.

What is the populist party?


President Theodore Roosevelts domestic policy that broke up "bad trusts", conserved natural wonders, and created regulations like child labor laws, and the 8-hour workday.

What is the Square Deal policy?


The Allies were able to launch a major counterattack on the western front, The US experienced an economic boom. The US became a major world power.  

What are impacts of the US joining WW1


Franklin D Roosevelt's plan to protect and speed up the process of creating New Deal Agencies by increasing the size of the Supreme court

What is Court Packing?


The Berlin Airlift

Sending financial aid to Allied nations.

Korean war

What are examples of Containment policy and the Turman Doctrine?