What should all test administrators do prior to testing dates?
Read the STAAR Testing Manual.
What is posted on all classroom doors where testing is occurring?
"Testing-Do Not Disturb" sign
What is the response to collecting an empty answer sheet?
"You have not recorded all of your responses on the answer document. Please go back and mark your answers on it now."
When is complimentary breakfast served to test takers?
Breakfast 6:45-7:20
Grade Level Treat 7:20-7:45
True or False?
IF a student is done testing, students can break the seal and start on the next test.
Students are NOT allowed to test on any other section other than the test assigned that day.
Report to CTC or Admin as soon as possible on the testing day!
Do not wait and report something the next day.
What happens to bulletin boards, instructional displays, desks that might be a resource of direct answers?
Boards and Displays-Covered or Removed by Monday 3:00 PM
Desks- empty and arranged to meet all student needs during testing ( must be reflected on seating chart)
What is the response to questions you are not permitted to answer?
"I can't answer that for you; just do the best you can."
What is the exact time that all STAAR testing starts at Ridgeview Elementary? (Directions read, seals opened, samples completed, pencils poised and ready!)
8:15 am SHARP
What is the teacher's responsibility before, during and after the test regarding test materials ?
Accounting for test booklets and answer documents.
What is recorded on the seating chart and on the white board?
Start Time
What should the teacher periodically remind students to do?
"Remember that you must record your responses on the answer document. Be sure to erase any stray marks that you might have accidentally made on your answer document."
What time does STAAR testing stop for restroom break?
Seating charts must include the names of the students testing, the location of each student while testing, and the names of all test administrators/ monitors involved in the session. Seating charts must include the start and stop times for each test session, including stop and restart times for students who are permitted a break that stops the time clock. Additional seating charts must be completed if students are moved to another room during testing.
What is an example of a Testing Irregularity (that can result in suspension of a teaching certificate)?
Some examples:
Tampering with student responses
Discussing or disclosing secure test content or student responses
Scoring student tests, either formally or informally
What are necessary supplies needed by the students?
2 sharpened pencils, approved supplemental aids and eraser.
What are the only things students can ask to have read to them?
4th grade Writing Prompt and 3rd grade Math Questions & Answer Choices
True or False?
You can review content material up until the students are given their test materials.
Active Monitoring means that test administrators are actively engaged while students are working on the test, moving about the room so they can be aware of student’s actions!
It is not.... Catching up on e-mail, Grading papers Surfing the web or Taking a nap
What is something that students can do to their answer document that the teacher can't do?
Erase stray marks & darken answers.
What is something to put in my next newsletter?
Examples: Test date reminders, eat breakfast, be on time, bring a sweater, school will be a closed campus.
Students might ask???
How and when will I get my test scores?
Parents can view scores on parent portal on the following dates:
5th grade- Reading and Math- April 30
3rd & 4th Reading and Math- June 13
5th Grade- 2nd Administration- June 5
When will all testing be completed at Ridgeview Elementary?
Student will extra time- 2:30 PM
All other student will have 4 hours to test
How many 3rd-5th grade substitutes should we have on campus the day of STAAR Testing?
Zero. Everyone will be present on testing days:)