Math Reading Science
What is the order of the tests for 5th grade?
Student was provided an unallowable accommodation
What is an irregularity?
May 10, 2022
What is the date for the Math STAAR test?
Failing to implement sufficient procedures to prevent student cheating
What is a serious irregularity?
The teacher reinforced test-taking strategies during the test
What is a monitoring error?
What is a penalty for violating test security?
I can't answer that for you; just do the best you can.
What is the only way to answer a student's question about the test?
Paraphrase or add information to the prompts or questions
What can test administrators NOT do?
Fill in the NO SCORE bubble
What do you do if a student cheats?
Sufficiently separate students
What do test administrators do to prevent cheating?
Cover the bulletin boards
What do you do if bulletin boards have a source of direct answers?
Picture dictionary
What is a type of allowable dictionary?
Embedded in test booklets and perforated
What is reference materials?
30 students
How many students can be with one Test Administrator?
Watching closely and walking around
What is active monitoring?
Sign in and out of the room
What must staff do when entering a testing room?
I am aware of the security and confidentiality requirements
What is on the security oath?
Test Administrator signature at the bottom
What is needed on every document in your folder?
Never left unattended
What is testing bucket?
Cell phones, smart watches, laptops, tablets
What is prohibited in the testing room?
4 hours
How much time is allowed for the test?
Bathroom breaks, snack breaks, water breaks
What break does not stop the time?
What should you do if you think there was an irregularity?
Grading Papers
What should a test administrator NOT do during the test?
Paraphrase a question
What should a test administrator NOT do during the test?