Reading Questions
Revising Questions
Editing Questions
EOC Strategies
Writing Strategies

Author's Purpose

In today’s world, online social media plays a vital role during real- world events, especially crisis events. There are both positive and negative effects of social media coverage of events. It can be used by authorities for effective disaster management or by malicious entities to spread rumors and fake news. The aim of this paper is to highlight the role of Twitter during Hurricane Sandy (2012) to spread fake images about the disaster. We identified 10,350 unique tweets containing fake images that were circulated on Twitter during Hurricane Sandy. We performed a characterization analysis, to understand the temporal, social reputation, and influence patterns for the spread of fake images. Eighty-six percent of tweets spreading the fake images were retweets. Hence, very few were original tweets. Our results showed that the top 30 users out of 10,215 users (0.3 percent) resulted in 90 percent of the retweets of fake images; also network links such as follower relationships of Twitter, contributed very little (only 11 percent) to the spread of these fake photos URLs. Next, we used classification models to distinguish fake images from real images of Hurricane Sandy. Best results were obtained from Decision Tree classifier, and we got 97 percent accuracy in predicting fake images from real. Also, tweet-based features were very effective in distinguishing fake images tweets from real, while the performance of user-based features was very poor. Our results showed that automated techniques could be used in identifying real images from fake images posted on Twitter.

What is the author’s main message?

A It is difficult to distinguish between a real and a fake image.

B Not everything on social media can be trusted.

C People need to be cautious of retweeting fake images.

D Technology can be used in social media to filter out fake images.

D Technology can be used in social media to filter out fake images.


(2) He head just sat down at his desk to think of topics for his English essay when he heard his mother calling him. 

Layla wants to replace the phrase think of in sentence 2. Which word would be MOST effective to use in this sentence?

A. scrutinize

B. divulge 

C. contemplate

D. observe 

C. contemplate


At night she naked the breads and buns she had learned how to make when she was a little girl helping her parents in their Bakery in China.



If you don't know the answer, what should you do?



What does APE stand for?

Answer, Prove, Explain


Author's Purpose

In today’s world, online social media plays a vital role during real- world events, especially crisis events. There are both positive and negative effects of social media coverage of events. It can be used by authorities for effective disaster management or by malicious entities to spread rumors and fake news. The aim of this paper is to highlight the role of Twitter during Hurricane Sandy (2012) to spread fake images about the disaster. We identified 10,350 unique tweets containing fake images that were circulated on Twitter during Hurricane Sandy. We performed a characterization analysis, to understand the temporal, social reputation, and influence patterns for the spread of fake images. Eighty-six percent of tweets spreading the fake images were retweets. Hence, very few were original tweets. Our results showed that the top 30 users out of 10,215 users (0.3 percent) resulted in 90 percent of the retweets of fake images; also network links such as follower relationships of Twitter, contributed very little (only 11 percent) to the spread of these fake photos URLs. Next, we used classification models to distinguish fake images from real images of Hurricane Sandy. Best results were obtained from Decision Tree classifier, and we got 97 percent accuracy in predicting fake images from real. Also, tweet-based features were very effective in distinguishing fake images tweets from real, while the performance of user-based features was very poor. Our results showed that automated techniques could be used in identifying real images from fake images posted on Twitter.

The author organizes the text by -

A presenting facts about Hurricane Sandy

B comparing fake and real images on twitter

C describing how fake images spread on twitter

C describing how fake images spread on twitter


What is the difference between revising and editing?


  • Focuses on the "big picture" changes to the content, structure, and organization of the writing
  • Involves making changes to expand, clarify, or fine-tune the overall story and ideas
  • Looks at elements like worldbuilding, narrative structure, character development, and plot
  • Is typically done by the writer themselves to improve the quality of their own work


  • Focuses on improving the language, sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation
  • Involves fixing errors and improving the technical aspects of the writing
  • Ensures the writing is clear, smooth, and appropriate for the intended audience
  • Is typically done by a professional editor, though the writer can also self-edit

I have always admired the way that their television commercials highlight the value you place on building relationships with owners and their pets.



For every question, you must eliminate at least.....

2 answer choices 


When you write to explain you....

A. Explain what happened 

B. Explain the whole story 

C. Explain what happened with text evidence 

C. Explain what happened in the story with text evidence 



In the absence of copper, gold, and meteoric iron, our ancestors’ tools during the Stone Age were made of flint, wood, and bone. Anyone who has ever tried to make anything with these kinds of tools knows how limiting they are: if you hit a piece of wood it either splinters, cracks, or snaps. The same is true of rock or bone. Metals are fundamentally different from these other materials because they can be hammered into shape: they flow, they are malleable. Not only that, they get stronger when you hit them; you can harden a blade just by hammering it. And you can reverse the process simply by putting metal in a fire and heating it up, which will cause it to get softer. The first people to discover these properties ten thousand years ago had found a material that was almost as hard as a rock but behaved like a plastic and was almost infinitely reusable. In other words, they had discovered the perfect material for tools, and in particular cutting tools like axes, chisels, and razors. This ability of metals to transform from a soft to a hard material must have seemed like magic to our ancient ancestors.

The reader can infer that the discovery of metal -

A changed the face of hunting

B happened as an accident

C was the greatest discovery of all time

D changed humanity forever

D changed humanity forever


(16) Julian stood over his aunt's stove, staring at the side of a box and had a struggle to decipher the precise order of operations required to make macaroni and cheese 

Which revision, if any, is needed in sentence 16?

A. Julian stood over his aunt's stove, staring at the side of a box and struggling to decipher the precise order of operations required to make macaroni and cheese.

B. Julian stood over his aunt's stove, staring at the side of a box that struggled to decipher the precise order of operations to make macaroni and cheese and the requirements. 

C. Julian stood over his aunt's stove, staring and struggling to decipher the precise order of operations that were required to make macaroni and cheese on the side of a box.

D. No change is needed

A. Julian stood over his aunt's stove, staring at the side of a box and struggling to decipher the precise order of operations required to make macaroni and cheese.


Leaving El Paso behind, my parents piled me and my sister into our car along with backpacks and snacks; we then will head east on the highway.



I must highlight...

Text Evidence 

How is a Persuasive Essay different from an Argumentative Essay?

An Argumentative Essay has a counterargument  



In the absence of copper, gold, and meteoric iron, our ancestors’ tools during the Stone Age were made of flint, wood, and bone. Anyone who has ever tried to make anything with these kinds of tools knows how limiting they are: if you hit a piece of wood it either splinters, cracks, or snaps. The same is true of rock or bone. Metals are fundamentally different from these other materials because they can be hammered into shape: they flow, they are malleable. Not only that, they get stronger when you hit them; you can harden a blade just by hammering it. And you can reverse the process simply by putting metal in a fire and heating it up, which will cause it to get softer. The first people to discover these properties ten thousand years ago had found a material that was almost as hard as a rock but behaved like a plastic and was almost infinitely reusable. In other words, they had discovered the perfect material for tools, and in particular cutting tools like axes, chisels, and razors. This ability of metals to transform from a soft to a hard material must have seemed like magic to our ancient ancestors.

Which line from the excerpt provides context that supports the meaning of the word malleable?

A Metals are fundamentally different

B hammered into shape

C they flow

D stronger when you hit them

B hammered into shape


(24) The business model is one that is good for him, franchise owners, and the people of Africa.

(25) Nyakarundi says he looks for people who lack opportunities to become franchise owners. 

(26) From that initial investment, the company says existing powers are making between $38 and $107 a month, which is enough to pay rent and feed a family. 

What sentence would best follow and support sentence 25?

A. Franchise owners have an important role to play in this business model.

B. These owners lease their kiosk directly from ARED with only a $100 down payment and ongoing payments of $200.

C. An important skill for any franchise owner is to be able to rise a bicycle and to have the strength to tow a kiosk. 

D. Nyakarundi just needs to find people to operate the kiosks and invest in his business.  

B. These owners lease their kiosk directly from ARED with only a $100 down payment and ongoing payments of $200.


She worked long hour’s while also taking care of all her children, and eventually she cared for her grandchildren.



I should ____ my writing responses first, ____ them, and then ______ them.

write, review, type


What is a thesis?

It is the statement that explains what the essay is about/the central claim / The A in APE



We are Raindrops in an endless ocean/ free-form and crashing, forever changing in a raging storm. Despite the unforgiving waves-deep and murky-there’s an unsettling peace to the beauty in a storm. Nevertheless, the broken devotion of the ocean conforming to mother nature’s needs will forever be a free liquid state of a falling raindrop.

What major theme is explored in the poem?

A There is beauty found within.

B You should not conform.

C People have free choice.

D It is human nature to be strong.

C People have free choice.


W-SCR: Combine the ideas in sentences 6 & 7 to create one clear and effective sentence 

(6) Then he quickly apologized.

(7) He didn't want his mother to have the opportunity to scold him for a disrespectful attitude.

Combination 1

Realizing his mistake, he quickly apologized, not wanting to give his mother the opportunity to scold him for a disrespectful attitude.

Combination 2

He quickly apologized, hoping to avoid his mother's scolding for his disrespectful attitude.

Combination 3

Fearing his mother's scolding, he quickly apologized, not wanting to give her the chance to reprimand him for his disrespectful behavior.

Combination 4

Eager to prevent his mother's disapproval, he quickly apologized, knowing she would otherwise have the chance to scold him for his disrespectful attitude.

Combination 5

Anticipating his mother's potential rebuke, he quickly apologized, determined not to give her the opportunity to criticize his disrespectful attitude.

The key is to combine the ideas of him quickly apologizing and not wanting his mother to have the chance to scold him, into one cohesive and concise sentence. This helps to streamline the information and create a more polished, effective statement. 




I must ______ the questions first before reading the _______. 

read, text/story


How is the rubric for the ECR (extended constructed response) different from the R-SCR (reading short answer response)?

the ECR rubric has 2 while the R-SCR has 1

the ECR is 5 points while the R-SCR is 2 points 

the ECR gives 2 points for grammar and 3 points for content, while the R-SCR gives 2 points for content 
