Main Idea
Text Evidence
Punctuation & Sentences


What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

3    And boy, have those tumbleweeds been tumbling across the range today! The breeze feels good, but it sure does stir up the dust and tumbleweeds. You know, they look just like gargantuan (huge) snowballs made out of dead sticks, rolling across the prairie. It can really hurt if the wind shoots one up, and it smacks you in the head.

A Tumbleweeds can smack you in the head.

B Tumbleweeds look like snowballs.

C The breeze makes the huge tumbleweeds roll across the prairie.

D The breeze can stir dust.

C The breeze makes the huge tumbleweeds roll across the prairie.


Read line 10 of the play.


From this line, the reader can infer that —

A Colorful Bird respects the opinion of the wise old owl.

B The wise old owl lives far away.

C The wise old owl is good friends with Red Bird.

D Colorful Bird does not want to share his feathers with the owl.

A Colorful Bird respects the opinion of the wise old owl.


A play may be  divided into three scenes to —

A describe the thoughts of three different characters

B include dialogue, conflict, and plot

C show three different places

D tell the beginning, middle, and end of a story

D tell the beginning, middle, and end of a story


Which sentence does NOT belong in this paper titled Life Savers?

A Sentence 5: One day he was in a drugstore and noticed a pill- making machine. 

B Sentence 9: Crane hoped his new mints would be a big hit. 

C Sentence 16: Gum also comes in different flavors.

D Sentence 23: In 2003 the five-flavor roll was changed. 

C Sentence 16: Gum also comes in different flavors.


What change should be made in sentence 7? 

(7) They made five quarters a year in the same order that the state’s joined the United States.

A Change state's to states

B Change joined to joyned

C Change United States to united states

D No change should be made.

A Change state's to states


What is paragraph 18 mainly about?

18     Slowly Alex leaned around the corner and looked. Then he leaned a little farther. Finally he stepped all the way into the hallway. There, down the hall, was his own reflection looking back at him. It was almost as if his reflection were teasing him. It was bad enough to have an older brother who sometimes made fun of him. Now he could see himself doing the same thing.

A Why Alex must lean so far into the hallway

B How Alex’s reflection reminds him of his brother

C What Alex discovers in the hallway

D How Alex feels about his brother’s teasing

C What Alex discovers in the hallway


Which line indicates that the author believes chimps are intelligent animals?

A All of the chimps were captured quickly.

B They are social animals who live in communities of two to three dozen chimps.

C Chimpanzees have been used to study human disease.

D Scientists have successfully taught chimps to use sign language.

D Scientists have successfully taught chimps to use sign language.


Read this stage direction from line 30.


What does this stage directions suggest about Lucia?

A She wants to be sure to take the book when she leaves.

B She wants to read the book before Nelson does.

C She is upset that Nelson plans to write about the book.

D She realizes that Nelson thinks the book belongs to him.

D She realizes that Nelson thinks the book belongs to him.


Emily wants to combine sentences 9 and 10 so that her paper flows better. Which is the best way to combine sentences 9 and 10?

(9) Then he gave one gigantic flap. (10) Then he attacked.

A Then he gave one gigantic flap and attacked.

B Then he gave one gigantic flap, then he attacked.

C Then he gave one gigantic flap, but then he attacked.

D Then he gave one gigantic flap then he attacked.

A Then he gave one gigantic flap and attacked.


How should sentence 32 be changed?

(32) He wore a new suit, and had plenty of money.

A He wore a new suit and he had plenty of money.

B He wore a new suit and had plenty of money.

C He wore a new suit, he had plenty of money.

D He wore a new suit. And had plenty of money.

B He wore a new suit and had plenty of money.


 What is paragraph 9 mainly about?

9      On the drive to the reservation, Susan’s father talked about the differences between their house and the hogan that her grandmother lived in. Grandmother’s traditional Navajo house had no electric lights or running water. The walls were made of mud and logs, and beneath her feet was a floor made of earth. Although Grandmother had chosen this way of life because it was important to her, Susan was grateful to have lamps and hot and cold running water in her own house.

A What Susan is thankful for at home

B How Susan traveled to the reservation

C Why Susan’s grandmother lives on the reservation

D How Susan’s house differs from her grandmother’s house


D How Susan’s house differs from her grandmother’s house


Which sentence in the passage shows Brian is relieved that his sister is okay?

A Brian held up his arms to Ana.

B "I'm just glad you didn't become their food!"

C The crowd exhaled in relief, then burst into applause.

D He carried Ana back to the snack bar where they finished their meal.

B "I'm just glad you didn't become their food!"


Scene Two

14     (Setting: Inside classroom with students beginning their day.)

15     (Carl takes his seat, pulls out a sharpened pencil, and gets out his morning work. However, he only pretends to work.)

The stage directions at the beginning of Scene Two help the reader by —

A establishing the setting

B introducing the main problem

C explaining the plot

D describing the character's feelings

A establishing the setting


(9) I also learned that vegetables allow my eyes to stay strong. (10) Eat carrots for that.

    (11) I read a book that said vegetables give my body energy. (12) The nutrients in the vegetables break down and help my body perform all of the tasks for the day

Brooke wants to revise sentence 11 to improve the flow of her paper. Which of the following could Brooke use to replace sentence 11 and transition between paragraphs 2 and 3?

A Next, vegetables provide my body with energy.

B Another reason vegetables are important for me is because they provide my body with energy.

C However, vegetables are important because they provide my body with energy.

D Sentence 11 should not be changed.


B Another reason vegetables are important for me is because they provide my body with energy.


What is the correct way to write sentence 3?

(3) Some people search inside a twisting model of the human brain, others walk past rows of wooden towers that stand like soldiers in a field.

A Some people search inside a twisting model of the human brain. Because others walk past rows of wooden towers that stand like soldiers in a field.

B Some people searching inside a twisting model of the human brain. Others walk past rows of wooden towers that stand like soldiers in a field.

C Some people search inside a twisting model of the human brain, and others walk past. Rows of wooden towers that stand like soldiers in a field.

D Some people search inside a twisting model of the human brain. Others walk past rows of wooden towers that stand like soldiers in a field.

D Some people search inside a twisting model of the human brain. Others walk past rows of wooden towers that stand like soldiers in a field.

What is paragraph 5 mainly about?  

5 “All aboard the Texas Giant!  Please load now.  If you have any loose items, please leave them in the cubbies provided.”  As I approached the car, I was extremely nervous.  I quickly sat down and strapped myself in as tight as I could.  I felt like a pig in a blanket.  There was no way I was going to fall out of this coaster.  The attendant checked and double checked every bar to ensure our safety.  I was a little more at ease knowing that safety was a top priority.  Without warning, the cars started inching out of the loading zone and began the trek to the top of the ninety stories.

A How the main character was feeling while loading onto the Texas Giant

B What the Texas Giant looked like

C How the cars climbed to the top of the coaster

D Why the main character strapped himself in the car

What is paragraph 5 mainly about?

A How the main character was feeling while loading onto the Texas Giant


Which of the following lines are used to give a description of how butterflies look?

  Oh to live the life of a butterfly

  To move freely and occasionally stop for pie

  To be vibrant in color and vary in size
  That humans can't capture even with dyes.

5  They fold their wings so calmly when they rest
   If you had to vote moth or butterfly, which would be best?

   Butterflies can symbolize so much
   Whether it's death, peace, or a special touch

    Freely they fly into the dawn

10  I hope butterflies will always live on.

Lines 3 & 4


Read line 45.

43   [Nelson opens his backpack and takes out all his belongings, one by one. He turns the backpack upside down and shakes it. A book falls out.]

44   NELSON: [Shocked.] Dad, the book was in my bag the whole time. Look, here. [Shows Mr. Lund the inside of his backpack.] The inside pocket is torn, and it must've slipped down into the lining of the bag. [Sticks his hand in the backpack. Smiles. Then looks concerned.] Poor Lucia was telling the truth all along. And Ms. Chen. She tried to help me.

45   MR. LUND: Well, tomorrow is a new day.

46   NELSON: You're right. I'll show the backpack to Lucia and Ms. Chen when I get to the library in the morning. I hope they'll understand and accept my apology.

What does this line suggest?

A Nelson can improve the situation with Lucia and Ms. Chen.

B Lucia will notice that Nelson is being nice to her.

C Mr. Lund will help Nelson look for a new backpack.

D Nelson should return to writing camp with Matt.

A Nelson can improve the situation with Lucia and Ms. Chen.


 (10) Daniel shrieked as a swarm of ants burst out from the top of the hill. (11) In seconds the ants had covered Daniel’s feet and were crawling up his legs. 

Which sentence could best follow and support sentence 10?

A He knew just what he needed to do, fast!

B It looked like a volcano of tiny, angry insects!

C He shrieked sometimes when he was surprised.

D They burst right out of the top of a little hill.

B It looked like a volcano of tiny, angry insects!


What is the correct way to write sentence 11?

(11) A museum that tells the story of Texas through three floors of exhibits.

A This museum tells the story of Texas. Through three floors of exhibits.

B A museum that tells the story of Texas. Through three floors of exhibits.

C This museum tells the story of Texas through three floors of exhibits.

D The sentence is written correctly in the paper.

C This museum tells the story of Texas through three floors of exhibits.


What is the main idea of paragraph 16?

16     Saturday morning found Annie up before sunrise.  She gathered the boxes of potatoes, corn, peas and tomatoes she and her father had picked and prepared all week.  She made trip after trip from the storage shed out to a small table and chair she had set up in the yard.  Soon she was surrounded by boxes and bags of vegetables.  She even had a large basket filled with eggs.  Nervously she glanced down the road.  As the sun rose over the mountain, she clapped her hands and laughed out loud.  No one could have expected a sight like this.  A long line of miners was making their way up the mountain road to her front yard. 

A Annie sets up a vegetable stand and waits to see if any miners come to buy her produce.

B Annie is worried that no one will buy vegetables from her.

C Before dawn, Annie and her father begin working in the garden.

D Even though it is Saturday, Annie refuses to stop working for her fortune.

A Annie sets up a vegetable stand and waits to see if any miners come to buy her produce.


Read the information in paragraph 1. 

 Which sentence emphasize that responsibilities are part of fostering a pet?


1For many people, nothing compares to owning a pet. 2Animals give friendship and assistance to humans. 3They can even provide therapy. 4However, there is another way than ownership to care for animals. 5Serving as a foster family for an animal brings many benefits of pet ownership in a shorter time. 6It may be challenging, but the joys and educational value of fostering can be worth the effort.


Sentence 6


Which lines from the play best support the idea that Nelson realizes he made a mistake?


Select TWO lines.

NELSON: Are you sure you didn't find it here? (line 27)

NELSON: Don't you think that's strange? (line 33)

NELSON: Poor Lucia was telling the truth all along, (line 44)

NELSON: I hope they'll understand and accept my apology. (line 46)

NELSON: But now I have another plan, (line 48)

Lines 44 and 46


Claire wants a more effective transition between the sixth paragraph (sentences 26–29) and the last paragraph (sentences 30–33). 

(28) He put the frogs back in the jar and returned to the creek, finding the exact spot where he had first met them as tiny tadpoles. (29) He opened the jar and waited to see what they would do.

      (30) After that, Noah's eyes drifted to the green plants nearby.

Select the phrase that should replace After that in sentence 30 to improve this transition.                                            

 A. Because of his situation                      B. As his friends hopped away              C. While he was thinking                        D. When the day was over                     

B. As his friends hopped away


What is the correct way to write sentence 10?

(10) One kind of air bubble is shaped like a circle and called a bubble ring it happens to be the perfect sea toy.

A One kind of an air bubble is shaped like a circle and called a bubble ring. Happening to be the perfect sea toy.

B One kind of air bubble is shaped like a circle, and called a bubble ring. Then it happens to be the perfect sea toy.

C One kind of air bubble is shaped like a circle, called a bubble ring it happens to be the perfect sea toy.

D One kind of air bubble is shaped like a circle. It is called a bubble ring, and it happens to be the perfect sea toy.

D One kind of air bubble is shaped like a circle. It is called a bubble ring, and it happens to be the perfect sea toy.
