Used at the end of a sentence when making a statement or command.
What is a period.
The letter C in Cafe Squidd stands for
What is comparisons.
the main controlling idea of your paper
What is thesis statement
Used to end a exclamatory sentence
What is an exclamation point
The QU in Cafe Squidd stands for
What is QUotations
help your paper flow from one paragraph to another
What is transition words
Examples of how to start: anecdote, quote, scenario
What is a hook?
Used before and after a spoken sentence to indicate dialogue
What are quotation marks?
The F in Cafe Squidd stands for
What is fact
the best way to find your silly mistakes
What is proofreading your paper
Never start an essay with...
"Hi my name is" or "I'm going to tell you about"
This word is used to compare two things
What is than?
Used at the end of a sentence when asking a question.
What is a question mark?
The A in Cafe Squidd stands for
What is anecdote
the best way to wrap up and close your paper
What is a conclusion paragraph with restated thesis
use an anecdote!
What is the best way to connect to your reader with a personal example?
This word is used to indicate timing of two events
What is then?
Used to combine two independent clauses without a ,fanboy
What is a semicolon?
The E in Cafe Squidd stands for
What is example
Follows the Subject + verb + what does it verb? formula
What is a thesis statement
The first thing you should do when writing an essay