Self Advocacy
Rights and Responsibilities
Person Centered Approach
Do's and Dont's of Self Care
Celebrities with Disabilities

What is the definition of self advocacy? 

The ability to speak up for yourself. A self-advocate can easily ask questions and ask for help when needed. 

True or False: Individuals with intellectual disabilities receiving Medicaid services are afforded the same rights as individuals who do not have intellectual disabilities. 



What does it mean to care for someone through a Person Centered approach and give an example. 

-Person centered approach involves viewing, listening to and supporting a person with a disability based on their strengths, abilities, aspirations and preference to make decisions to maintain a life which is meaningful to them.

Example- Being given a choice at dinnertime of what to eat, being given a choice of what to wear for the day, planning a community outing based upon the consumer's interests 


True or False: When a client has come into the building after getting off the bus, it is okay to automatically take their harness off. 

False- We should verbally ask the client before touching and removing any part of their chair. 


Just a few years before "Friends" turned her into America's television sweetheart at the age of 25, this actor was diagnosed with dyslexia. During a routine eye exam for prescription glasses, a test showed her eyes jumping back and forth between words while reading.  

Jennifer Aniston 


Name 3 ways we as caregivers can promote self advocacy within our clients. 

Provide Choices (how to spend time, where to go in the community, what to eat, etc) Facilitate independence (letting a client tie their own shoes, pull something up on their phone without assistance even if it takes longer), Promote self-confidence, Promoting Communication (encouraging clients to speak up for themselves), Right to Refuse (honoring a clients wishes when it comes to how they would like to spend their day), Right to fail (give them a chance to try something) 


True or False: DDD recipients in NJ have the right to choose who has access to their medical records. 



Give an example of using the Person Centered approach in the community, at day program, and in the residence. 

Day program- Holding a class based off of a client's specific interest, the client choosing a meal for lunch, allowing the client to choose which day program trips they would like to participate in based on their interests 

Community- allowing the client to choose what they would like to buy, allowing the client to choose which meal they would like to eat

Residence- Allowing a client to choose if they would like a nighttime or daytime shower, deciding what to wear that day.  


True or False: If you see a client struggling to take off a sweatshirt, you should jump in right away and take it off for them. 

False- You can help, but make sure you ask the client first. 


This singer is the youngest artist in history to win four major Grammy awards, wrote her first song at the age of 11, and has Tourette's syndrome and physical tics 

Billie Eilish 


How does asking questions help clients in promoting self-advocacy?

-Clients become more independent

-clients become more self-reliant

-we have a better idea of what is bothering them.  


True or False: It is against the rights of a an individual with an intellectual disability to get married and have children. 

False- It is the right of a person receiving DDD services to marry and have children.


True or False: It is safe to assume that all clients with the same diagnosis require the same care needs. 

False- Every client has different needs despite their diagnosis 


True or False- As long as the client is in front of you so they know what you are saying, it is okay to talk about them while they are in their core group with their peers. 

False- Although most likely not done maliciously, it is important to remember all clients have the right to confidentiality and the topic you are discussing may not be something they want heard by their peers or other staff members. 


This actor had his first film role at age 10, won the Trevor Project's Hero Award, and has dyspraxia, making it hard to tie shoes and handwrite notes. 

Daniel Radcliffe 


True or False: As long as it does not pose a safety risk to the client or others, staff should promote allowing clients to do things on their own even if they may not do it successfully.

True- we want to uphold our clients' rights to independence, although it may be quicker, us as caregivers doing things for our clients instead of giving them the opportunity to do it on their own takes away from their autonomy and feelings of personal fulfillment. 


True or False: According to NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities it is the responsibility of the day program or residential service provider to maintain their Medicaid Status.

False- It is the responsibility of the guardian and/or individual receiving services. 


True or False: We should assume that if a client hits or screams, it is with malicious intent to harm the staff. 

False- while that may be the case in some instances, many of the newer clients, especially those who are nonverbal may hit or yell out to try to express a need they cannot otherwise communicate. In these instances, we should do our best to deescalate the client and figure out what they are trying to communicate. 


True or False- It is safe to assume a client cannot do something if you have never seen them do it before 

False- You should not assume anything about a client before working with them and getting to know them. 


Sold 300 million+ records, at age 3 played piano by ear, knighted by the Queen of England, managed epileptic seizures. 

Elton John 
