It's All About The Kids
Keeping It Clean
Everyone Poops
Anything Goes
Catching Some Zzzz's

When transitioning from the building to the playground, returning from break, taking over to break a teacher.

What is when do you do name to face counts of your class?


The amount of time sanitizer is left on surfaces before wiping off.

What is 1 minute?


During play time, meal time, outside, diaper or bathroom time, handwashing, can all encompase and include this.

Meaningful and/or opportunities for learning.

Note: this includes all areas of learning-cognitive, social-emotional, physical, language etc.  


These must be closed and locked at all times.

What are the laundry room, kitchen and fridge/freezer store room doors?

Note: Unless these rooms meet all safety guidlelines including but not limited to all chemicals, choking hazards, sharp items, etc 48" or above the ground, they must remain closed and locked at all times.


These should never be placed over a child's head and/or face during rest/nap time.

What are blankets?


Allowed to be out of vision but must remain within earshot and close enough to intervene.

What is the school age children.


Diaper changing tables are sanitized _____ and diaper pails are sanitized ______.

What is after every diaper change and every day?


After using the restroom or changing a diaper and for 20 seconds.

What is how often a child and teacher needs to wash their hands and for how long?

Note: Diapered children (including infants who can support their heads unassisted) should wash their hands after every diaper change. This sets the foundation for good hygiene once they start using the toilet.


Licensing, program, health department and Top Star policies and rules are followed _____.

What is every day.


Quiet activities should be offered and available during this time.

What is when a child wakes or does not sleep during scheduled nap time?

Note: children can not be required or forced to lay quietly on their mat for 2 consecutive hours. However, they can rest with a quiet activity such as books etc if they are engaged.


Position yourself in the classroom so that you can ________at all times.

See the children.

Note: This includes positioning furniture (shelves, etc) for clear views in the entire room.  Also includes the use of lighting so that it is not too dark that you can not see children during rest time.


Every week, as needed or if mouthed.

What is when are toys sanitized?


These items must be labeled with the child's name.

What are diaper creams, wipes, diapers (initials are fine for diapers).

Note: Sharing of these items is unallowed.  Also, all bottles and cups must be labeled at all times.


Paper plates, napkins, paper towels, bowls, cups.

What are acceptable barriers to use when serving children meals and/or snacks? 


After a child has used an "extra" blanket, sheet or unassigned cot you must_______.

What is wash or sanitize them?


True or False:  It is acceptable to leave a class of children unattended and out of eye site.

What is false.


At arrival, before and after eating, after using the restroom and/or diaper changes, after coming in from outside, after any contact with body fluids, touching or handling trash or trash cans.

When do staff and/or teachers wash their hands?

Note-consistent and proper hand washing will decrease illness by up to 60%.


Removed from child and immediately placed and tied in a leak proof bag (not grocery store type bags), first and last name written on them and sent home that day.

What is done with with children's soiled clothes and/or blankets?

Note: We may not "dump" anything from the underwear into the toilet, rinse the clothing or wash it in our washers per licensing and health department guidelines.


This personal item(s) are required to be stored at least 48" above the ground.

What are teacher's/staff bags, purses, backpacks?

Note: While it is against Top Star policy to have personal food or drinks other than water in the classroom, this rule does apply to those items when storing them.


2' or 1' with head to toe.

What is the spacing of cots during nap time?

Note: With the 1' and head to toe there must be a 2' wide walkway to at least one exit from the room. At least one exit must not be blocked by any cot.  This includes needing to step over the cot, it must be a clear path.


The practice of planning, implementing, guiding and supporting children individually and not by their age.

What is Developmentally Appropriate Practice?

Note: Utilize each child's individual skills, cognitive, social, physical, emotional to guide and support them, not as a lump age group.


Wash and sanitize the table and properlly wash all children's hands before and after.

What are the steps before and after a meal or snack service?

Note: Teachers must wash their hands prior to putting on food serice gloves.


Your hand.

What must be on a child who is on the diaper changing table if you must turn your eyes and/or head away from a child?

Note: Prepare ahead by gathering any supplies you think you may need.  If you can not keep your hand on the child to reach any items pick the child up.


Transitioning to and from the playground, returning from break, taking over a class to break a teacher.

When do you need to do name-to-face checks on the tablet?


No more than two hours.

What is how long can nap or rest time be SCHEDULED for?

Note: This is "scheduled for" and pertains to 2 year olds and older.  Infants and toddlers are on their own schedule meaning if they need/want to sleep sooner we must allow it.  
