How should chemical and laboratory safety be handled?
All staff and students should wear glasses or goggles when working under potentially hazardous conditions. Laboratories should be ventilated sufficiently.
Which class period teacher is responsible to teach evacuation routes?
All teachers are to discuss best way to evacuate from their classroom
When referring student discipline to an administrator, who should you contact?
Student last name A-K: Almanza
Student last name L-Z: Auckland
Who is our school nurse?
Suzie Bliss
When is the Back to School BBQ?
Dinner is 5-6 pm on Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2019
How should stakeholders address uncivil conduct (first step)?
Calmly and politely caution or warn any speaker who is engaged in uncivil conduct. If the conduct does not cease, politely end the conversation.
Where will students line up during an evacuation?
In alphabetic order with their 1st-period teacher according to evacuation location
What are the rules regarding PDA?
There will be no display of PDA while on campus
Who are your BLT members this year?
Grace Gale, Emily Bowne, Crystal Titus, Sheri Schroeder, Rebecca Klein, Chelsea Hanson
Which class will student pictures be taken?
What is the board policy for having personal protection sprays on campus?
Persons over eighteen years of age and persons between fourteen and eighteen years of age with written parental or guardian permission may possess personal protection spray devices on school property.
When there is an issue off-campus, but in the vicinity of PSMS what will happen?
The school will go into a LOCKOUT: Check hallways for students. Lock doors and close blinds. Continue teaching as normal.
What is an example of an intervention you could have tried before exclusion?
Conference with Student
Consulted with Counselor/Admin
Time Out
Verbal Warning
Changed Seating
When is 1st Quarter Grade Reports Due?
November 13, 2019, at 9 am
Which late-start Wednesday is your trade for Open House?
September 11, 2019
How is "workplace" defined in the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988?
“Workplace” for purposes of this policy includes any district building or any district property; any district-owned vehicle, or any other district-approved vehicle used to transport students to or from school activities; and off-district property during any school-sponsored or school-approved activity, event, or function, such as a field trip or athletic event, where students are under the jurisdiction of the district which could also include work on a federal grant.
What should you do when a fire alarm goes off?
Check hallway for a sign of fire or suspicious behavior. Either evacuate because you see signs of fire OR wait for further directions from the office.
Following the classroom exclusion of a student, what must happen?
the teacher or other school personnel must report the classroom exclusion, including the behavioral violation that led to the classroom exclusion, to the principal or their designee as soon as reasonably possible.
The teacher, principal, or the principal’s designee must notify the student’s parents regarding the classroom exclusion as soon as reasonably possible.
What classes will Cherae & Crysty visit on the first day of school?
Math classes
On week 6 of school, which criterion will be the focus for walkthroughs?
Criterion 3
According to Policy 5253: The Stanwood-Camano board of directors supports the use of technology to communicate for educational purposes. However, district employees are prohibited from...
from online socializing with students or from engaging in any conduct on social media that violates the law, district policies or generally recognized professional standards.
In an evacuation, should you lock your classroom?
Keep doors unlocked so that fire officials can search the building.
According to Procedure 3241: The district has identified the following that may be used as other forms of discipline:
Teaching or re-teaching behavioral expectations
Parent conferences
Loss of privileges
Lunch or school detention
Behavior contracts
Counseling or support services
Community service
Behavior monitoring, mentoring, peer mediation, social skills instruction, de-escalation, and restorative justice practices may also be considered as well as other interventions.
How long will walkthroughs last?
10 minutes
What day will Jean and Steve be doing the levy presentation to staff?
October 16, 2019, at 7:10am