Routine Roundup
Safety Showdown
Procedures RULE!!!
Medical Madness
Too Little, Too Late

A provocation should be set up __________ children enter the room each day?



On the playground, staff should be __________ and __________?

Engaged with the children and situated in various sections of the playground


True or False: I can purchase something for my classroom and submit my receipt without prior approval.


You must get all purchases approved first by filling out the Petty Cash Request Form and getting approval from Sandra.


True or False: Teachers are allowed to administer medication.



When a teacher arrives for the days, leaves or returns from lunch or leaves for the day, they should __________ at the Front Desk.

Sign In/Out


When serving food, you must wear __________?



All hazardous materials should be kept __________?

in a locked cabinet.

This includes white out, soaps that are not safe for children, scissors, paper clips and staples.


True or False: Tape can be used on the carpets but not the floors.


Tape may not be used on either surface


If a child in your class has a life-threatening allergy, where would you find an Epi-Pen.  __________ or __________

In my Go Bag or at the Front Desk


What is the latest a teacher can show up to school before their shift begins?

10 minutes before their shift


Bathrooms and changing tables may not be used as a __________ area?



If an accident, incident or biting occurs, what steps should occur next? (3 steps)

You should write up a report, have someone from the Leadership Team sign it and call the parents.


Diaper ointment must be kept in __________?

A locked box


The names of all children with allergies should be located where in your classroom. (2 places)

On the wall in your classroom

In the Emergency Binder in the Go Bag


What is the latest I can notify __________ to ensure coverage for my class if I am ill and cannot make it to work?


6 AM


ID Badges are mandatory for all staff.  If you lose yours or it breaks, you should __________ and __________.

Report it to the Front Desk immediately and pay $5 to get a new one.


When the Fire Alarm goes off you should __________? (8 steps)

  1. Advise all children that, at the sound of the fire alarm, they are to STOP whatever they are doing and LINE UP QUIETLY for a fire drill.
  2. The concept of a “fire” should be discussed and practiced with the children several times between actual school fire drills.
  3. Be sure to take your class attendance clipboard and GO BAG with you when you leave the room.
  4. Have children quietly proceed to designated areas outside.  Be sure a staff member is at the beginning and end of each class line.  Do not cross another class line.
  5. Take verbal attendance at designated area, once outside.
  6. Have children remain in a quiet line at designated area outside.
  7. Upon a signal from school administration return quietly to your class.
  8. In the event of a fire, children will NOT have time to wash hands, remove smocks, finish snacks, etc.  Be sure to discuss and explain this to your class prior to an actual fire.

Newsletters are due to __________ no later than __________?

Sandra or the Front Desk

10 AM every Thursdays


If a child in your class has been sent home or has been absent for an illness, what should you do.

Notify the Leadership Team

Call the family to check on the child

Make sure the child has a doctor's note upon their return


What is the procedure for taking planned time off?

Staff must complete and turn in a Teacher Time Off Request Form to the Need Approval Folder at the Front Desk. 

Days preceding and/or following holidays and other closures are first come/first served time off requests.  DO NOT GET PLANE TICKETS OR HOTELS UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL. 

There may be other blackout dates such as says before or after holidays, and other days determined by the Administration.


Why do we use the phrase “Flow of the Day” rather than Daily Schedule?

We use the "Flow of the Day" because we are flexible with when activities begin and end depending on the children's interest.


When the Fire Alarm goes off you should __________? (8 steps)

1. Emergency Binder

2. First Aid Kit

3. Epi-Pen if needed

4. Water and Snacks for the children

5. Entertainment for the children (books, music, activity)


Name 5 of the 11 items every classroom should have posted either in the room or on the bulletin board between classrooms.

Emergency Binder - Must be placed in the classroom GO BAG.

Two evacuation routes (one located next to front door and one located next to backdoor). 

Allergy List – Two sets, one on the wall above the hand washing sink and the other in the emergency binder.

First Aid Kit placed in the GO BAG.

Flow of the Day, made with photographs of the children involved in the daily routines, displayed horizontally, from left to right, in the classroom

General Lesson Plans for the week

Shabbat Sign Up List NEW!!!

please have families in your class sign up for a Friday to be the Shabbat Ima or Aba

Tutty Fruity Tuesday Sign Up List NEW!!!!

please have families in your class sign up to bring a class snack of fruit for each Tuesday

Weekly Newsletter Displayed Outside the Classroom

Flow of the Day Breakdown Outside the Classroom

Pictorial of proper hand washing using photos of the classroom children.


If I have a concern about a child’s behavior or other issue, I should __________?

Discuss it or email it to Sandra.  At the same time, the teachers will begin to document the child's behavior in the class and review the child's record.


What is the maximum amount of teachers who will be granted elective leave on any given day?

