lens with 2 points of focus, designed to relieve presbyopia. the lower part of the lens allows near vision; the rest of the lens is designed for far vision.
transparent front part of the globe, shaped like a slightly domed cap. it is the primary focusing structure with the lens
also known as "lazy eye" - reduced visual acuity that cannot be improved by wearing eyeglasses
unit of measurement in the optical system with a focal distance of 1 meter. refraction defects are measured in this increment.
the eye's ability to clearly see objects at a close distance
style of bifocal where the full bottom half of the lens is in the bifocal power
executive bifocal
light-sensitive membrane at the back of the eye on which images are formed and which transmits information to the brain. this hypersensitive membrane plays an essential role in the perception of light, colors, details, shape & movement
opacification of the crystalline lens. an extraction of the lens is usually replaced by and intra-ocular lens (implant)
fluid pressure exerted inside the eyeball, which keeps the scleral wall taut
intraocular pressure (IOP)
standard set of 3 tests if our doctor suspects the patient has glaucoma
visual field (30-2), OCT-glau, pachymetry (bonus points for gonioscopy)
variable tint lens that can darken or lighten depending on the presence of UV
photochromic (transitions=brand name)
transparent biconvex lens located behind the pupil; refracts light to focus images on the retina
crystalline lens
disease of the optic nerve, often associated with an increase in intra-ocular pressure. this disease cannot be cured, and left uncontrolled, can result in an alteration of the visual field
can be used to measure an eye misalignment and/or treat a binocular dysfunction. this is sometimes added to glasses to help improve eyesight due to an eye misalignment or visual field loss
reflex that enables the eyes to focus on a single point in near vision
the grinding and polishing of a lens surface
circular membrane that delimits the pupil. this tissue acts as a diaphragm that contracts according to the intensity of the light
eyesight disorder related to a defect in the parallelism of the visual axes. early detection in children is vital in order to avoid any risk of amblyopia.
the horizontal measurement of the lens on any frame at its widest part. this measurement is measured in millimeters
eye size
what is the icd-10 code for routine exam without abnormal findings that you should NEVER use if a patient is being prescribed glasses
advanced optical design technology allows these kind of lenses to be made with flatter curves than conventional lenses, giving them a slimmer, more attractive profile.
aspheric lenses
small depression in the central part of the macula located close to the optical axis of the eye
eyesight disorder that prevent a clear image from forming on the retina (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism)
characterizes the way transparent optical material bends or refracts light
refractive index
the dishwasher says "clean".
you have a dirty dish that needs to go into the dishwasher. what should you do?
unload the dishwasher and put your dirty dish in the now empty dishwasher :)