Classroom Standards
State Rules
BP Connect/Lesson Planning

Where should the children's art work be displayed?

at eye level


How high can you stack chairs?

TRICK QUESTION, you cannot stack chairs at all.


What should the teachers be doing with the kids at the end of the day after combining?

They should be playing/enagaging with them!!! 


When are lesson plans due?

On the Thursday prior.


How can you fix your timecard in ADP?

Clipboard outside the office. 


How often should we be checking the children's extra supplies? (clothes, diapers, sunscreen etc)



When combing classrooms, how do you determine what the classroom ratio is?

Ratio is determined by the youngest child.


Who fills out the cleaning log in the classroom?

The ratio teacher completes the ratio duties and the RBR or Last person scheduled in that classroom completes the closing duties.


How many photos should you be sending per child each day?



How far in advance do you need request a schedule change or day off?

Two weeks


What is expected of the teachers when they leave their classroom, the gym or outside (other than transition sheets)?

They clean up their mess so the school is always tour ready!


What are the requirements when serving snack?

Gloves when handling food, food placed on plates/napkins, and all snacks are served with milk.


When on the playground or in the gym where should the two teachers be?

Either monitoring on opposite sides to ensure we are able to see every child or actively playing with the children.


What needs completed each day for Discovery Zone curriculum?

Observation Sheet: observe one child each day


How long should the ratio teacher stay clocked in when the classroom hits ratio?

10 minutes, you should complete your cleaning tasks and clock out


List 3 things that make a classroom tour ready?

1. Clean Counters & Cubbies

2. Shelves tidy

3. Kids faces clean

4. Teachers actively engaging with the kids


Where are our designated areas for tornado, fire and active shooter(2)? 

Tornado: Basement 

Fire: Front Yard

Active Shooter: The Inn or Craddock Elementary 


Before you walkie the office what steps should you take for 

1. child potty breaks

2. questions/concerns

1. Ask the class if anyone has to go chances are you'll be able to take enough to keep you in ratio.

2. Voxer the office with your question instead of summoning us.


What do you need to tag on photos and lesson plans?

Indicators and skills


What items should you always have with you when you leave the classroom?

First Aid Bag, Transition Clipboard, Walkie Talkie and Tablet


How should the work trays on your shelves be organized? 

Easiest Top Left to Hardest Bottom Right


When should children wash their hands? (list 5 of the 8)

1. Upon arrival for the day and prior to departure. 

2. After toileting/diaper change. 

3. After contact with bodily fluids. 

4. After returning inside after outdoor play. 

5. After handling pets, pet cages or other pet objects that have come in contact with the pet before moving on to another activity. 

6. Before eating or assisting with food preparation. 

7. After water activities.

8. When visibly soiled (must use soap and water).


List the steps for the transition check list from your classroom to the gym.

1. Gather children and conduct roll call (ensuring you call the child's name and look at their face, Name to Face)

2. Complete a visual check of the area.

3. Verbally confirm with your co-teacher that the check has been done and the number of children in your care.

4. Complete stop and count aloud at each bee.

5. Complete a headcount as children are entering the gym.

6. Line the children up and complete a roll call (ensuring you complete name to face)


What do we add to the classroom calendar?

Any items of interest that are not activity or lesson plan related. For example; birthdays, dress up days, splash days etc. 

Print this off and use it as your classroom calendar! 


Explain the dress code in detail. 

Logo on outer most layer

Dress slacks

Shorts/skirts/dress need to knee length

Only black or white undershirts

Closed toed shoes
