When should meal counts happen?
At the point of service
What does a child's temperature need to read in order to send them home?
Minimum classroom temperature?
65o (F) degrees
Do children need to have all their immunizations on record to attend?
How many hours per year of professional development do you need?
At what age does a child begin to drink 1% milk?
2 years old
What do you do after you administer a child medication? (e.g. a daily inhaler)
Log it in the medication administration binder found in the child's classroom.
Length between cribs/cots
2 feet
PQ Registry Renewal
Where should you clock in?
In the classroom
If a child serves themselves, do they need the exact serving portion?
3 times during the day children MUST wash hands
Before eating
After toileting
After coming inside
Before/after sensory play
After diapering
Name all 7 levels of EEC certification
TA, I/T, LI/T, PS, L PS, D1, D2
Staff physical renewal
Every 2 years
Toddler Ratios
What two food slips need to be brought into the office?
Early Ed - Amy
SACC - Alyssa
When do you do for an injury from the neck up?
Inform director or second in command to call parent(s) right after injury occurred and write up injury report
How many square feet is required per child in the classroom?
35 square feet
How often must the director conduct teacher observations?
Every 2 months
How many progress reports need to be completed per child per year?
How many ounces of milk should a preschooler get at lunch?
6 ounces
How many ice packs should you have in your first aid kit at all times?
3 ice packs
Strings/Cords should be no longer than...
6 inches
How many years do we need to keep children's records?
5 years
Define: Licensed Capacity
Determination by the Department of the number of children that a program can care for at any one time under 606 CMR 7.00.