When is the University of Minnesota Job and Internship Fair?
Feb 26 (next Friday)
If an employer wants to advertise an internship to UMN students, what should they do?
Post to GoldPASS - that's their best first step. They can talk to employer relations staff for additional recruiting options.
What's the first question we ask a student calling for help?
What college are you in?
Where do students register?
GoldPASS powered by Handshake
Name two other ways besides GoldPASS an employer can engage with UMN students (multiple possible answers).
On-campus interviews, info sessions, career fairs, networking events, resume review events, mock interview events, serve on panels for classes...
True or false: You can determine which counselor a student should meet with based on their major or career field.
Where is the fair held?
GoldPASS powered by Handshake
How do you find out which college fits with an employer's recruitment needs?
The major group spreadsheet
What colleges can you schedule an appointment for?
Now: CLA
'Normally': CLA, CDES, CFANS, and CCAPS
What is something you can do to prepare for the fair (multiple possible answers)?
Complete GP profile, research employers, practice elevator pitch...
An employer wants to know why their account isn't active. They're not in our pending bin. What could be the reason? (two common answers)
1. Handshake hasn't approved their profile.
2. The primary contact at their org hasn't approved their profile.
Who should an employer contact if they have a question about the fair?
Joy Stephansen at jobfair@umn.edu
What colleges use the interview center in 524 Bruininks?
If a student has a question about getting credit for an internship, who should they talk to?
Their college's internship coordinator (found on referrals page of google site). For CLA, that is Char Myers.