Which is the stem of the pluperfect tense for the verb:
discedo, discedere, discessi, discessurus
What is:
Which of the following is NOT a third person pronoun?
id / ego / eos / eī / eo
What is:
Identify the participle in this sentence.
The teacher scolded the students talking in the back.
What is:
Define these four nouns:
luna vulnus terra oculus
What are:
moon wound land, ground eye
Pluperfect verbs are used to describe actions which happen ________ other actions in the _________.
a. before; future c. after; past
b. before; past d. at the same time; past
What is:
b. before; past
The student speaking to the teacher appeared confused.
dicit / dicentem / dicere / dicens
What is:
(it's a present participle!)
Please help him!
eos / eum / eam / eo / eī
What is:
Him is the DO, so the Latin form must be Acc. Sing.
The craftsmen had brought in expensive glass ornaments to the shop. (infero, inferre, intuli)
intulerat / infert / intulerant / intulerunt / inferrerant
What is:
(the verb is pluperfect and 3rd person plural; the stem is the 3rd principal part)
Define these four verbs:
iacēre arcessere temptare fugere
What are:
to lie down to summon to try to flee, run away
Which provinces are 1 and 2 on the map?
What are:
1. Sicilia
2. Macedonia
I had guarded the doughnuts from seventh graders before you got back. (custodio, custodire, custodivi)
custodio / custodivi / custodivero / custodiveram / custodiveramus
Translate: Medicus tres epistulas eīs reliquit.
What is:
The doctor left behind three letters for them.
Quod canem timueras, ad hortum eam duxi.
What is:
Because you had feared the dog, I took it/her to the garden.
Define these six words:
tam denique
crudelis igitur
viginti fortiter
What are:
so, so much finally
cruel therefore
twenty bravely
Translate into English:
Puellae in urbe habitantes septem feles habuerunt.
What is:
The girls living in the city had seven cats.