
What is the (1) meaning and (2) declension number of "potestas, potestatis, f." and (3) how did you know the declension number this noun is.

What is "power - "is" genitive singular"


List all the components of a verb and give one example of each.

What is (1) Person - 1st, 2nd, 3rd (2) Tense - Present, Imperfect, Perfect, Pluperfect (3) Voice - Active, Passive (4) Number - Singular, Plural (5) Mood - Subjunctive, Indicative, Infinitive, Imperative


The meaning of this sentence in ENGLISH and WHO said it in the textbook: "duodecim aurigae in Circo Maximo cras cerabunt. Imperator ipse victori praemium dabit."

What is "12 charioteers will compete tomorrow in the Circus Maximus. The Emperor himself will give a prize to the winner" - the first announcer


The instrument that Myropnous plays to accompany Paris' pantomiming?

What is: the pipes


Define the following terms

  1. Ludi scaenici 

  2. Ludi circenses

  3. Venationes 

  4. Naumachiae

What is:

1. Theater shows

2. Chariot races

3. Animal hunts/fights

4. Naval batlles


What is the part of speech and meaning of "re verā"?

What is "truly, in fact, really" and "adverb."


How do you translate the following verb forms in the 1st person singular of "to punch" and which PRINCIPAL PART do you use to form it:

1) Present Active Indicative

2) Imperfect Active Indicative

3) Perfect Active Indicative

4) Pluperfect Active Indicative

5) Future Active Indicative

6) Future Perfect Active Indicative

What is:

1) Present Active Indicative - I am punching - 1st PP

2) Imperfect Active Indicative - I was punching - 2nd PP

3) Perfect Active Indicative - I punched - 3rd PP

4) Pluperfect Active Indicative - I had punched - 3rd PP

5) Future Active Indicative - I will punch - 2nd PP

6) Future Perfect Active Indicative - I shall punch - 3rd PP


The meaning of this sentence in ENGLISH and WHO said it in the textbook: "mea columba, desine timere! me non capiet iste homunculus."

What is: "My dove, cease to fear! That little man will not capture me" - Paris


How Myropnous makes sure that Epaphroditus does not find Paris.

What is: "He draws Epaphroditus' attention to the tapestry he is standing behind, then he captures Epaphroditus in the tapestry and pulls on the pole to fall onto his head."


The proclamation that permanently established religious tolerance for Christianity within the Roman Empire, which Emperor issued the proclamation, and when it was issued. 

What is: The Edict of Milan, Emperor Constantine, 313 AD


1) The meaning of this word as well as its (2) CONJUGATION number:"appello, appellāre, appellavi, appellatus" - (3) HOW YOU KNEW which conjugation this verb is.

What is "(1) to call, (2) 1st conj, (3) -āre"


Conjugate "moveō, movēre, movī, motus" (to move) in the future and future perfect indicative active tenses.

What is:     FUTURE

movebo        movebimus

movebis       movebitis

movebit        movebunt


movero      moverimus

moveris     moveritis

moverit      moverint


The meaning of this sentence in ENGLISH and WHO said it in the textbook: "iubebit milites in carcerem te conicere. fuge!"

What is: "He will direct the soldiers to throw you into jail. Flee!" - Domitia 


Epaphroditus' relation to Domitia.

What is: He is the freedman of her husband, Emperor Domitian.


The name of (1) the Emperor who tolerated the Christians and (2) names of the two Emperors who persecuated the Christians. 

Who is: (1) Augustus and (2) Tiberius and Claudius


(1) The meaning of this word as well as its (2) CONJUGATION number:"reficio, reficere, refeci, refectus" - (3) HOW YOU KNEW which conjugation this verb is and (4) its Perfect Stem (the part you would use for the FUTURE PERFECT indicative)

What is "(1) 3rd io, (2) -io, -ere ending, (3) refec"


Conjugate "descendō, descendere, descendī" (to come down) in the future and future perfect indicative active tenses.

What is:     FUTURE

descendam        descendemus

descendes         descendetis

descendet         descendent


descendero      descenderimus

descenderis      descenderitis

descendeit       descenderint


The meaning of this sentence in LATIN and WHO said it in the textbook: "Where is that actor who you shamelessly love?"

What is: "ubi est ista oantomimus quem imppiudens tu amas?" - Epaphroditus


The play/what happens in the play that Paris performs in Domitian's palace for Domitia?

What is "the love of Mars and Venus"


(1) The year of the great fire in Rome and (2) the name of the Emperor who blamed the fire on the Christians living in Rome.

What is: (1) 64 AD and (2) Nero


(1) The meaning of this word as well as its (2) CONJUGATION number:"comitor, comitari, comitatus sum" - (3) HOW YOU KNEW which conjugation this verb is.

What is "(1) to accompany, (2) 1st conj., (3) -arī" 


Conjugate "reficiō, reficere, refecī, refectus" (to repair) in the future and future perfect indicative active tenses.

What is:     FUTURE

reficiam        reficiemus

reficies         reficietis

reficiet         reficient


refecero      refecerimus

refeceris     refeceritis

refecerit     refecerint


The meaning of this sentence in LATIN and WHO said it in the textbook: "If Paris shall escape, you all will receive punishments. Why did you not inspect the roof?"

What is: "si Paris effugerit, vos poenas dabitis. cur tectum non inspexistis?"


The play/what happens in the play that Paris performs in Haterius' garden for Vitellia?

What is: "the death of Dido"


The name of the dynasty that Titus and Vespasian were a part of (HINT: think of the original name of the Colosseum) 

What is: the Flavian Dynasty 
