Trustworthy. That is worthy of being believed
Social sciences are identical to the natural sciences
True or False?
Which are the steps of the scientific method of the social sciences?
Exploration, Planning, Execution, Evaluation and Communication
Mention the 5 reasearch approaches in social sciences
Historical, comparative, critical rational, quantitative and the qualitative method
Mnetion the examples in the book of the application of qualitative and quantitative research approaches
Opinion-Based and observational research
That is done dependably. That indisputably is true.
What is the object of the study of Social sciences?
Human being and its social dimension
Is a tool to collect information on the object or situation to be studied
Research instrument
According to some researchers, which is the experimental form of the social sciences?
The comparative method
The researcher can be ________ or ________
Participant or non-participant
Theory or set of theories that are valuable model to be followed to solve problems or specific situations
Social sciences need logic.
True or False?
What is a technique?
Is the set of means and instruments designed for the collection of data in an specific area of knowledge
The _________ considers that it is possible that the goals of any investigation may be affected by political interests
Critical theory
What are the field studies about?
The researcher records his observations where the researched phenomenon occurs
It is the power and ability to choose between different alternatives as well as to make decisions voluntarily
Free will
The social sciences elaborate _____ that seek to explain the object of study
Mention all the techniques mentioned in the book
Documentary, Field, Questionnaire, Interview, Survey and Indexinge
What is the name of the method in which we use the quantitative and qualitative method?
Mixed method
Is a way of collecting data by observation where the researcher is non-participant
Case study
The philosophical theory of knowledge that studies the origin, scope and way in which the human being knows and generates knowledge
_______ social sciences can make predictions and formulate general laws:
a) Always
b) Sometimes
c) Never
b) Sometimes
Which are the sources of information?
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary sources
Both qualitative and quantitative method can be used in experimental sciences and social sciences
True or False?
To develop your planning for your research you must consider________
All the factors