Ancient Greek Theater was performed in...
An Ampitheater
All fabric used on a theater stage should be...
Flame retardant
In what scale does 4" represent 4 feet?
1"=1'0" scale
Name two tools commonly used to cut dimensional lumber to length
Radial arm saw, sliding compound miter saw
What are the length and width of a standard sheet of plywood?
4'-0" x 8'-0"
Ancient Greek and Roman theaters most resemble what type of modern theater seating arrangement?
OSHA specifies that hair should be ___________ while working in a shop.
Securely fashioned
What should you do if a drawing is missing a dimension?
Ask the drafter!
Black curtains installed specifically to block the audience's view of backstage areas are called _______ curtains.
The grain direction between each layer of standard plywood...
Italian Renaissance theaters used _______ stages, which means the actor walks _______ an incline as they get closer to the audience.
raked, down
The inexpensive black fabric used in theater is called _____.
What are the audience viewing angles called in a theater?
Name two tools best suited to cutting curved lines in sheet goods:
Jig saw, band saw
A ________ cuts along the main axis of a piece (the longest side), while a ________ cuts across the main axis (parallel to the shorter side)
Rip cut, cross cut
In a proscenium theater, what name is given to the area downstage of the proscenium arch?
When should gloves be worn in the shop?
Nitrile gloves - when using chemicals that specify the need for skin protection in the SDS
Cut-resistant gloves - when cutting by hand (with a box knife, chisel, etc.)
Work gloves - when moving lumber, materials, scenery
Who directly supervises the Technical Director, Lighting Director, Props Manager, Costume Shop Manager...
The Production Manager
What tool do we use to create long, straight, temporary lines on a stage floor or scenic unit?
Chalk line
A standard theatrical platform comprises a frame built from __________ and a lid made of __________.
2x4, Plywood
What type of seating arrangements are in the following types of theaters?
Black Box
Proscenium - audience on one side
Thrust - audience on 3 sides
Arena - audience on all sides
Black Box - Seating can adjust based on the needs of the play and the scenic designer's wants.
Most life-changing eye injuries occur to ________.
Bystanders, not the person operating the tool.
What is a possible problem you may encounter when using screws as fasteners?
Stripped heads, low shear strength
Curtains are typically made from what type of thick fabric?
A Hollywood flat is made from a frame built from __________ and a skin made from __________.
1x3 (or 1x4), Lauan