This caregiver, though not trained to deliver medicine, advocates for the gestating parent's needs during pregnancy and labor.
This is the recommended time to begin newborn massage.
When the baby is stable and breathing on their own.
This positive reinforcement of autonomy should be the start of every session.
Asking for consent
Above this age is considered geriatric.
The anatomical term which refers to pregnancy.
This trimester of pregnancy is considered the most volatile for parent and baby.
First Trimester
This is the length of time that the newborn stage lasts.
Birth to 28 days old.
These two types of cries can give you more information on whether or not to end a session.
Talking and distressed
These are the two categories the geriatric community falls into.
Frail and robust
This hormone, which causes joints to become loose, allows the body to mobilize so the baby can be delivered.
This semi-reclined position relieves pressure on the vena cava and allows for more comfort to the parent.
Fowler's Position
This contraindication for massage involves drugs taken during pregnancy or labor.
This contraindication for massage involves hiccupping, increase in rate, coughing, or holding breath.
Respiratory changes
This consideration involves frail and brittle bones and necessitates lighter, gentler work.
This organ, which develops during pregnancy, provides oxygen and nutrients to the fetus while it grows.
This hormone, which decreases after age 35, leading to an increased risk of miscarriage, is the "glue" which holds the baby in the uterus.
This ingredient should always be avoided when working with newborns.
Mineral oil
This is the length of time that the infant stage lasts.
6 weeks to 1 year old or walking, whichever comes first.
This consideration may necessitate a warmer room, gentler touch, and a change in product.
Thinning skin
This thin, but tough, transparent membrane holds the developing fetus in fluid within the womb.
Amniotic sac
This position is considered the safest option for prenatal clients.
Left Lateral Lie
This is the primary focus of newborn massage.
Stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system.
This is the primary focus of infant massage.
Muscle development and circulation
This consideration may affect balance, eyesight, and spacial awareness.
Changes to proprioception
This can become impinged by pressure from the growing, changing body, requiring positional modifications during massage.
Vena cava and aorta