What was the original name of Stamford?
How is Stamford ranked population-wise in Connecticut?
What is the formal name of the Stamford Mall?
Stamford Town Center
Who is the superintendent of Stamford Public Schools?
Dr. Tamu Lucero
What three "Ridges" are parallel to each other in Stamford?
High Ridge, Long Ridge, Pepper Ridge
What year did Stamford become a city?
What was the approximate Stamford population in 2020?
What are the three (3) main, public beaches in Stamford?
West, Cove, Cummings
What are the colors of Stamford Public Schools?
Blue and green
Stamford is named after a town in which English county?
Which two (2) towns were originally in Stamford?
New Canaan and Darien
What is the second-most popular race in Stamford?
In which neighborhood is Mianus River Park located?
How many public high schools are in Stamford?
Name 8 areas of Stamford.
North Stamford, Westover, West Side, Waterside, Harbor Point, Mid-city/Ridgeway, Turn of River, Downtown, Shippan, Belltown/Glenbrook, Springdale, East Side/Cove
What date was the deed for Stamford signed?
July 1, 1640
What percentage of Stamford is religiously affiliated?
Which school is adjacent to the Bartlett Arboretum?
Name 8 public elementary schools in Stamford.
Hart Magnet, Stark, Stillmeadow, Rogers, Strawberry Hill, Toquam Magnet, K.T. Murphy, Roxbury, Westover, Northeast, Newfield, Davenport Ridge, Springdale
What tribe of Native Americans called Stamford by its original different name?
Who was the deed for Stamford between?
Captain Turner and Chief Ponus
What is the fifth most popular race in Stamford?
Which school is across the street from the Stamford Museum and Nature Center?
In which neighborhood is K.T. Murphy Elementary School located?
East Side/Cove
How many fire stations are there in Stamford?